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Referencing models from other packages

Hi guys,

is it possible to distribute world models (incl. dae-files) and vehicle models in different packages? I've got the following package structure using Gazebo 2.2.3:

catkin_ws/src/model_package contains the *.world files including references to the respective *.dae files catkin_ws/src/robot_package contains the robot description as well as the respective controller,ros plugins and launch files

When i try to reference the world file of the model_package in the launch file of the robot in the robot_package via

<arg name="world_name" default="$(find model_package)/worlds/"/>

i obtain the error

Error [] File or path does not exist[""]

Error [] No mesh specified

I assume, that the linked mesh cannot be loaded. The mesh itself is referenced like


Any suggestions? The world can be loaded from any launch file inside the model package.

Referencing models from other packages

Hi guys,

is it possible to distribute world models (incl. dae-files) and vehicle models in different packages? I've got the following package structure using Gazebo 2.2.3:

catkin_ws/src/model_package contains the *.world files including references to the respective *.dae files catkin_ws/src/robot_package contains the robot description as well as the respective controller,ros plugins and launch files

When i try to reference the world file of the model_package in the launch file of the robot in the robot_package via

<arg name="world_name" default="$(find model_package)/worlds/"/>

i obtain the error

Error [] File or path does not exist[""]

Error [] No mesh specified

I assume, that the linked mesh cannot be loaded. The mesh itself is referenced like


Any suggestions? The world can be loaded from any launch file inside the model package.package. I just checked the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH. It is set correctly to the directory, where both the world file and the dae-file are placed.

Referencing models from other packages

Hi guys,

is it possible to distribute world models (incl. dae-files) and vehicle models in different packages? I've got the following package structure using Gazebo 2.2.3:

catkin_ws/src/model_package contains the *.world files including references to the respective *.dae files catkin_ws/src/robot_package contains the robot description as well as the respective controller,ros plugins and launch files

When i try to reference the world file of the model_package in the launch file of the robot in the robot_package via

<arg name="world_name" default="$(find model_package)/worlds/"/>

i obtain the error

Error [] File or path does not exist[""]

Error [] No mesh specified

I assume, that the linked mesh cannot be loaded. The mesh itself is referenced like


Any suggestions? The world can be loaded from any launch file inside the model package. I just checked the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH. It The variable is set correctly to the directory, where both the world file and the dae-file are placed.

Best regards,

Referencing models from other packages

Hi guys,

is it possible to distribute world models (incl. dae-files) and vehicle models in different packages? I've got the following package structure using Gazebo 2.2.3:

catkin_ws/src/model_package contains the *.world files including references to the respective *.dae files catkin_ws/src/robot_package contains the robot description as well as the respective controller,ros plugins and launch files

When i try to reference the world file of the model_package in the launch file of the robot in the robot_package via

<arg name="world_name" default="$(find model_package)/worlds/"/>

i obtain the error

Error [] File or path does not exist[""]

Error [] No mesh specified

I assume, that the linked mesh cannot be loaded. The mesh itself is referenced like


Any suggestions?

The world can be loaded from any launch file inside the model package. I just checked the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH. GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH and GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH. The variable is variables are set correctly to the directory, where both the world file and the dae-file are placed.

Best regards,

Referencing models from other packages

Hi guys,

is it possible to distribute world models (incl. dae-files) and vehicle models in different packages? I've got the following package structure using Gazebo 2.2.3:

catkin_ws/src/model_package contains the *.world files including references to the respective *.dae files catkin_ws/src/robot_package contains the robot description as well as the respective controller,ros plugins and launch files

When i try to reference the world file of the model_package in the launch file of the robot in the robot_package via

<arg name="world_name" default="$(find model_package)/worlds/"/>

i obtain the error

Error [] File or path does not exist[""]

Error [] No mesh specified

I assume, that the linked mesh cannot be loaded. The mesh itself is referenced like


Any suggestions?

The world can be loaded from any launch file inside the model package. I just checked the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH and GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH. The variables are set correctly to the directory, where both the world file and the dae-file are placed.placed. Any suggestions?

Best regards,

Referencing models from other packages

Hi guys,

is it possible to distribute world models (incl. dae-files) and vehicle models in different packages? I've got the following package structure using Gazebo 2.2.3:

catkin_ws/src/model_package contains the *.world files including references to the respective *.dae files catkin_ws/src/robot_package contains the robot description as well as the respective controller,ros plugins and launch files

When i try to reference the world file of the model_package in the launch file of the robot in the robot_package via

<arg name="world_name" default="$(find model_package)/worlds/"/>

i obtain the error

Error [] File or path does not exist[""]

Error [] No mesh specified

I assume, that the linked mesh cannot be loaded. The mesh itself is referenced like


The world can be loaded from any launch file inside the model package. I just checked the GAZEBO_RESOURCE_PATH and GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH. The variables are set correctly to the directory, where both the world file and the dae-file are placed. Any suggestions?

Best regards,