I was following velodyne control plugin tutorial but as i try to build the velodyne_plugin.cc file get this error:
/home/rob/velodyne_plugin/velodyne_plugin.cc:42:42: error: ‘class gazebo::physics::JointController’ has no member named ‘SetVelocityPID’
/home/rob/velodyne_plugin/velodyne_plugin.cc: In member function ‘void gazebo::VelodynePlugin::SetVelocity(const double&)’:
/home/rob/velodyne_plugin/velodyne_plugin.cc:71:42: error: ‘class gazebo::physics::JointController’ has no member named ‘SetVelocityTarget’
When i saw the gazebo::physics::jointcontroller class reference here, i can clearly see that it contatins the member function named
and others, i have a doubt that because i am using gazebo2.2 which came with ros indigo, this is happening. Do i have to upgrade my gazebo to use all features?