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Advantage of using controllers for robot in gazebo

I am little confused that what are the benefit of using controllers, either pre-existing ros controller or creating new one to control the robot mode in gazebo simulator. As i've seen that by using model plugins i can directly send every commands to the robot through model plugins, like trajectorypoints which is important for robot kinematics. Currently i just want to somehow send the trajectory msgs to robot in gazebo from a ros node + visualizing its actions in rviz.

Advantage of using controllers for robot in gazebo

I am little confused that what are the benefit of using controllers, either pre-existing ros controller or creating new one to control the robot mode in gazebo simulator. As i've seen that by using model plugins i can directly send every commands to the robot through model plugins, like trajectorypoints which is important for robot kinematics. Currently i just want to somehow send the trajectory msgs to robot in gazebo from a ros node + visualizing its actions in rviz. And also how can i careate a new controller type if wanted, is their any tutorial for this?