Hi everyone,
I'm trying to simulate a car with a front wheel drive (and a front steering system). The problem is that I am not able to keep the wanted speed when steering wheel are oriented at 0.7 rad.
I tried to control the wheel with setParam("vel"). I need to set a high value for the "fmax" parameter to follow the expected speed but it's unstable.
So I tried the SetVelocityTarget method but even with a high Proportionnal value. The speed is more stable but I still have the problem of the wanted speed not being respected.
In blue, the expected speed In green, the current speed In red, wanted steering In cyan, current steering
I tried to play with some model's parameters like mu, slip, etc ... but without success. I also had a look to the prius model but the only main difference is that the plugin is controlling the joint wheel with force instead of velocity.
I would like to know if someone already had this kind of problem and what are the parameters that I can change to solve this problem.
Thanks in advance.