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How can I set the preserveWorldVelocity flag (hopefully through roslaunch and urdf)?

In order to get rid of unwanted behavior in Gazebo 7, I have installed Gazebo 9 in hopes of setting the preserveWorldVelocity flag. (Is "flag" the proper term?) I'm using roslaunch and xacro to start my simulation. In the robot xacro I have


but trying something similar with


has no effect. Can you tell me how to set this flag so that using PositionJointInterface does not mean velocities are repeatedly cleared?

How can I set the preserveWorldVelocity flag (hopefully through roslaunch and urdf)?

In order to get rid of unwanted behavior in Gazebo 7, I have installed Gazebo 9 in hopes of setting the preserveWorldVelocity flag. (Is "flag" the proper term?) I'm using roslaunch and xacro to start my simulation. In the robot xacro I have


but trying something similar with


has no effect. Can you tell me how to set this flag so that using PositionJointInterface does not mean velocities are repeatedly cleared?

How can I set the preserveWorldVelocity flag (hopefully in Gazebo 9(hopefully through roslaunch and urdf)?

In order to get rid of unwanted behavior in Gazebo 7, I have installed Gazebo 9 in hopes of setting the preserveWorldVelocity flag. (Is "flag" the proper term?) I'm using roslaunch and xacro to start my simulation. In the robot xacro I have


but trying something similar with


has no effect. Can you tell me how to set this flag so that using PositionJointInterface does not mean velocities are repeatedly cleared?