I'm currently trying to implement a force_torque sensor to the end-effector of a UR5. I've found examples of F/T plugins being used but i cant seem to implement them properly. I would try to check if my plugins are valid using rostopic list but the plugin i'm working on doesnt show.
I've looked at these two examples of using F/T plugins, but i'm not sure if i'm using them correctly. https://github.com/CentroEPiaggio/force-torque-sensor/blob/master/model/ft_sensor.gazebo.xacro http://docs.ros.org/jade/api/gazebo_plugins/html/group__GazeboRosFTSensor.html
I can't seem to find a tutorial for an F/T plugin specifically, nor can i find a tutorial to implement the F/T to a robot end-effector.
If someone can point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated.