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Can't start gazebo (urdf model)

I'm trying to launch gazebo using roslaunch, but somewhy I'm getting the errors.

Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo_gui-3] process has died [pid 3112, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzclient __name:=gazebo_gui __log:=/home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo_gui-3.log]. log file: /home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo_gui-3.log Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 3107, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -e ode /home/ulysses/catkin_ws/src/robotino_gazebo/worlds/ __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo-2.log]. log file: /home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo-2.log ^C[spawn_urdf-4] killing on exit

Last time I have launched this successfully, but because of something I can't do this now. There is no gazebo-2*.log as well, but I can provide any file which can help you to help me

Can't start gazebo (urdf model)

I'm trying to launch gazebo using roslaunch, but somewhy I'm getting the errors.

Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo_gui-3] process has died [pid 3112, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzclient __name:=gazebo_gui __log:=/home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo_gui-3.log]. log file: /home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo_gui-3.log Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 3107, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -e ode /home/ulysses/catkin_ws/src/robotino_gazebo/worlds/ __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo-2.log]. log file: /home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo-2.log ^C[spawn_urdf-4] killing on exit

Here is my launch file:

<launch> <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch"> <arg name="world_name" value="$(find robotino_gazebo)/worlds/"/> </include>

<node name="spawn_urdf" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" output="screen" args="-file $(find robotino_description)/urdf/robotino.urdf -urdf -model robotino"/>


Last time I have launched this successfully, but because of something I can't do this now. There is no gazebo-2*.log as well, but I can provide any file which can help you to help me

Can't start gazebo (urdf model)

I'm trying to launch gazebo using roslaunch, but somewhy I'm getting the errors.

Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo_gui-3] process has died [pid 3112, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzclient __name:=gazebo_gui __log:=/home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo_gui-3.log]. log file: /home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo_gui-3.log Segmentation fault (core dumped) [gazebo-2] process has died [pid 3107, exit code 139, cmd /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gzserver -e ode /home/ulysses/catkin_ws/src/robotino_gazebo/worlds/ __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo-2.log]. log file: /home/ulysses/.ros/log/807b3030-77a1-11e8-bd9d-08002782662e/gazebo-2.log ^C[spawn_urdf-4] killing on exit

Here is my launch file:

<launch> <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch"> <arg name="world_name" value="$(find robotino_gazebo)/worlds/"/> </include>

<node name="spawn_urdf" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" output="screen" args="-file $(find robotino_description)/urdf/robotino.urdf -urdf -model robotino"/>


and another error:

rosrun gazebo_ros gazebo [ INFO] [1529841834.342204778]: Finished loading Gazebo ROS API Plugin. [ INFO] [1529841834.343897101]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting... /opt/ros/kinetic/lib/gazebo_ros/gazebo: 46: kill: invalid signal number or name: SIGINT

Last time I have launched this successfully, but because of something I can't do this now. There is no gazebo-2*.log as well, but I can provide any file which can help you to help me