Hello all,
When using the gazebo_ros_depth_camera.cpp or gazebo_ros_openni_kinect.cpp plugins for my depth camera, the pointcloud in rotated and flipped in RViz. Does someone know how to fix it?
Thank you all.
1 | initial version |
Hello all,
When using the gazebo_ros_depth_camera.cpp or gazebo_ros_openni_kinect.cpp plugins for my depth camera, the pointcloud in rotated and flipped in RViz. Does someone know how to fix it?
Thank you all.
Hello all,
When using the gazebo_ros_depth_camera.cpp or gazebo_ros_openni_kinect.cpp plugins for my depth camera, the pointcloud in image is rotated and flipped in RViz. Does someone know how to fix it?
Thank you all.