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Publish to topic vel_cmd of plugin Diff drive

I have added the model Pioneer 2DX to an empty world. This model comes with the plugin DiffDrive.

<plugin filename="" name="diff_drive">

Running gz topic -l I get the topic:


How do I control the robot without using ROS?

I'm getting crazy figuring out how to publish to topic vel_cmd to control this robot.

Publish to topic vel_cmd of plugin Diff drive

I have added the model Pioneer 2DX to an empty world. This model comes with the plugin DiffDrive.

<plugin filename="" name="diff_drive">

Running gz topic -l I get the topic:


How do I control the robot without using ROS?

I'm getting crazy figuring out how to publish to topic vel_cmd to control this robot.

Publish to topic vel_cmd of plugin Diff driveHow do I control the robot without using ROS?

I have added the model Pioneer 2DX to an empty world. This model comes with the plugin DiffDrive.

<plugin filename="" name="diff_drive">

Running gz topic -l I get the topic:


How do I control the robot without using ROS?

I'm getting crazy figuring out how to publish to topic vel_cmd to control this robot. robot.