I am trying to convert a robot specified in URDF into SDF by using the URDF parser from Gazebo (gz sdf -p in.urdf > out.sdf).
By default, links connected by fixed joints in URDF get lumped together into single link, as SDF apparently didn't support fixed links in the past:[1]
By adding the tag <disableFixedJointLumping>
this lumping is deactivated, and a fixed joint in SDF is approximated by a revolute joint with minPos=maxPos=0. This however doesn't work for me as the joint still allows minimal oscillations.
As I read here [2], a new tag <preserveFixedJoint>
has supposedly been added that will make the SDF file have a true fixed joint. However, upon using the tag, the URDF parser throws the following warning:
Warning [parser.cc:778] XML Element[preserveFixedJoint], child of element[joint] not defined in SDF. Ignoring[preserveFixedJoint]. You may have an incorrect SDF file, or an sdformat version that doesn't support this element.
Is this tag not part of the final build yet, or can i somehow update my SDFormat to get access to it? I am using Gazebo 7.0.0
[1] https://bitbucket.org/osrf/sdformat/issues/131/disabling-lumping-on-a-fixed-joint-in-a
[2] https://bitbucket.org/osrf/sdformat/pull-requests/352/add-preservefixedjoint-option-to-the-urdf/diff