When loading a model exported by Blender I get a lot (in the hundrets) of warnings like this:
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1747] Unable to add material[Color_243_6379-material]
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1747] Unable to add material[Color_243_6453-material]
[Wrn] [ColladaLoader.cc:1747] Unable to add material[Color_243_6103-material]
This appears to slow down loading of the model as it takes a couple of minutes (the model is rather big tough 70 MB).
The model is a collada file.
In the model I can see a color library:
<material id="Color_242-material" name="Color_242">
<instance_effect url="#Color_242-effect"/>
The color effect is embedded in the very same collada file.
<effect id="Color_242-effect">
<technique sid="common">
<color sid="emission">0 0 0 1</color>
<color sid="ambient">1 1 1 1</color>
<color sid="diffuse">0.0864 0.0864 0.1488 1</color>
<color sid="specular">0.25 0.25 0.25 1</color>
<float sid="shininess">255</float>
<float sid="index_of_refraction">1</float>
So my questions:
1.) Can searching for the material slow down loading 2.) Does anybody see the mistake I did? Can we get the material get loaded? Where sould they be? 3.) Can I force ColladaLoadar to ignore the material information?