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Gazebo ROS diff drive controller cmd_vel timeout

I'm using ROS melodic and Gazebo 9.9.0 on an Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

I have defined this diff drive controller for a Pioneer 2DX that I use in Gazebo. The robot comes from Gazebo library, and I have changed its controller for this one:

<plugin name="differential_drive_controller" filename="">

I'm new in ROS development, and I have read that most mobile base drivers will time out and stop the robot if they don't receive at least several messages per second.

Reading Diff Drive Controller ROS API, I have found that there is a parameter called cmd_vel_timeout that will do what I want to do.

Is there something similar in the that will stop the robot after no receiving cmd_vel messages for n seconds?

By the way, now, when I press Ctrl.+C, the robot doesn't stop. It seems that the robot doesn't any timeout value configured.