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COLLADA Mesh vs Box behavior difference

I am currently using Fuerte-Gazebo (Gazebo-1.0.2).

Given same exact values under <collision> <surface>. (literally all values are same including size) 1. simple box collada mesh 2. box from gazebo UI

They behave differently when I put a bowl/can on it. On collada model, it sort of bounces and jumps out. (even though all collision values are same) But on a same size box, objects will soon settle down.

What is causing behavior difference? Is there anything other than <collision> <surface> that plays the role?

Here are the values I copied from box generated from Gazebo client.

          <ode mu='2147483647.0' mu2='2147483647.0' fdir1='0.0 0.0 0.0' slip1='0.0' slip2='0.0'/>
        <bounce restitution_coefficient='0.0' threshold='1000000.0'/>
          <ode soft_cfm='0.0' soft_erp='0.20' kp='2147483647.0' kd='1.00' max_vel='5.00' min_depth='0.00'/>

COLLADA Mesh vs Box behavior difference

I am currently using Fuerte-Gazebo (Gazebo-1.0.2).

Given same exact values under <collision> <surface>. (literally all values are same including size) 1. simple box collada mesh 2. box from gazebo UI

They behave differently when I put a bowl/can on it. On collada model, it sort of bounces and jumps out. (even though all collision values are same) But on a same size box, objects will soon settle down.

What is causing behavior difference? Is there anything other than <collision> <surface> that plays the role?

Here are the values I copied from box generated from Gazebo client.

          <ode mu='2147483647.0' mu2='2147483647.0' fdir1='0.0 0.0 0.0' slip1='0.0' slip2='0.0'/>
        <bounce restitution_coefficient='0.0' threshold='1000000.0'/>
          <ode soft_cfm='0.0' soft_erp='0.20' kp='2147483647.0' kd='1.00' max_vel='5.00' min_depth='0.00'/>