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Hollow models in Gazebo


I know I could create complex forms using for example Inkscape and extruding the 2D model in Gazebo, but in this way the Link Inspector is not able to compute automatically the mass given a certain density, neither the inertia matrix.

I thought I could create an elaborate model directly using Gazebo client adding bounding geometry and vision to a certain link. Anyway I was not able to find a way to implement the "subtraction" operation between geometries. Is it something actually feasible?

Can anyone help me please?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Hollow models in Gazebo


I know I could create complex forms using for example Inkscape and extruding the 2D model in Gazebo, but in this way the Link Inspector is not able to compute automatically the mass given a certain density, neither the inertia matrix.

I thought I could create an elaborate model directly using Gazebo client adding bounding geometry and vision to a certain link. Anyway I was not able to find a way to implement the "subtraction" operation between geometries. Is it something actually feasible?

Can anyone help me please?

Thanks in advance for the help!