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Include robot program in its own language to laucnh it remotly in Gazebo


Wanted to know if it possible to associate a robot program, written in the robot language so not necesseraly ROS, when spawning its model in Gazebo ?

To be more precise, this is what I would like to achieve :

— TCP communication between a custom app and Gazebo in order to :

  • send a robot model name so it is spawned in a simulation (for example an UR3)
  • send a task name (for example "pick_object") so when it received in Gazebo, the pre-programmed "pick_object" function (programmed in urscript) is launched.

In real life I actually have the "pick_object" function programmed in URscript directly on my UR3 controller and can start it by sending something from a TCP socket to the robot controller. So I basically wish to do the same thing in a simulated environment. So far, I think it is possible from what I read, but not sure about the pre-programmed thing. I kind of have the feeling you can control robot only using ros topics.

Thank you for your help

Include robot program in its own language to laucnh it remotly in Gazebo


Wanted to know if it possible to associate a robot program, written in the robot language so not necesseraly ROS, when spawning its model in Gazebo ?

To be more precise, this is what I would like to achieve :

— TCP communication between a custom app and Gazebo in order to :

  • send a robot model name so it is spawned in a simulation (for example an UR3)
  • send a task name (for example "pick_object") so when it received in Gazebo, the pre-programmed "pick_object" function (programmed in urscript) is launched.launched. So, in other words, are native robot controllers available ?

In real life I actually have the "pick_object" function programmed in URscript directly on my UR3 controller and can start it by sending something from a TCP socket to the robot controller. So I basically wish to do the same thing in a simulated environment. So far, I think it is possible from what I read, but not sure about the pre-programmed thing. I kind of have the feeling you can control robot only using ros topics.

Thank you for your help