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Getting sonar sensor data into model plugin

Hi, This is my first question here. Pardon me for any mistakes.

I have spent some time looking this over the internet but could not find a working solution yet. Documentation doesn't have much on Sonar sensors..

I am trying to read the sonar sensor range values which the sensor plugin, gives me and publishes to the topic /gazebo/mtp_world/mtp_robot/left_sonar/mtp_sonar_sensor_left/sonar in the robot's model plugin, using a transport node and a subscriber

I got this topic from gz topic -l and doing gz topic -e <this-topic-name> gives the required range outputs along with other sonar values.

I have a very basic understanding of topics work. The message returned from the subscriber is NULL for this topic.

Here are the relevant code snippets:

    class MoveBot : public ModelPlugin {
        private: physics::WorldPtr world;
        private: physics::ModelPtr model;
        private: event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
        private: physics::JointPtr leftJoint;
        private: physics::JointPtr rightJoint;
        private: common::Time startTime;
        private: transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

        public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /* _sdf */) {
            this->model = _parent;
            this->world = this->model->GetWorld();
            this->leftJoint = this->model->GetJoint("left_wheel_hinge");
            this->rightJoint = this->model->GetJoint("right_wheel_hinge");

            transport::NodePtr node(new transport::Node());
            this->sonarTopicLeft = 
            this->sub = node->Subscribe(this->sonarTopicLeft, &MoveBot::cb, this);
            this->updateConnection =
                event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(std::bind(&MoveBot::OnUpdate, this));

        private: void cb(ConstSonarPtr &_msg) {
            std::cout<< "callback!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            if (_msg == NULL) {
                std::cout<< "NULL!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Message: " << _msg->range() << std::endl;
        private: void onUpdate() {
            // Some other code

I am expecting the cb(ConstSonarPtr &_msg) callback to print the range values but I only get NULL!!!!!!! printed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Getting Reading sonar sensor data into in model plugin

Hi, This is my first question here. Pardon me for any mistakes.

I have spent some time looking this over the internet but could not find a working solution yet. Documentation doesn't have much on Sonar sensors..

I am trying to read the sonar sensor range values which the sensor plugin, gives me and publishes to the topic /gazebo/mtp_world/mtp_robot/left_sonar/mtp_sonar_sensor_left/sonar in the robot's model plugin, using a transport node and a subscriber

I got this topic from gz topic -l and doing gz topic -e <this-topic-name> gives the required range outputs along with other sonar values.

I have a very basic understanding of topics work. The message returned from the subscriber is NULL for this topic.

Here are the relevant code snippets:

    class MoveBot : public ModelPlugin {
        private: physics::WorldPtr world;
        private: physics::ModelPtr model;
        private: event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
        private: physics::JointPtr leftJoint;
        private: physics::JointPtr rightJoint;
        private: common::Time startTime;
        private: transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

        public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /* _sdf */) {
            this->model = _parent;
            this->world = this->model->GetWorld();
            this->leftJoint = this->model->GetJoint("left_wheel_hinge");
            this->rightJoint = this->model->GetJoint("right_wheel_hinge");

            transport::NodePtr node(new transport::Node());
            this->sonarTopicLeft = 
            this->sub = node->Subscribe(this->sonarTopicLeft, &MoveBot::cb, this);
            this->updateConnection =
                event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(std::bind(&MoveBot::OnUpdate, this));

        private: void cb(ConstSonarPtr &_msg) {
            std::cout<< "callback!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            if (_msg == NULL) {
                std::cout<< "NULL!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Message: " << _msg->range() << std::endl;
        private: void onUpdate() {
            // Some other code

I am expecting the cb(ConstSonarPtr &_msg) callback to print the range values but I only get NULL!!!!!!! printed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Reading sonar sensor data in model plugin

Hi, This is my first question here. Pardon me for any mistakes.

I have spent some time looking this over the internet but could not find a working solution yet. Documentation doesn't have much on Sonar sensors..

I am trying to read the sonar sensor range values which the sensor plugin, gives me and publishes to the topic /gazebo/mtp_world/mtp_robot/left_sonar/mtp_sonar_sensor_left/sonar in the robot's model plugin, using a transport node and a subscriber

I got this topic from gz topic -l and doing gz topic -e <this-topic-name> gives the required range outputs along with other sonar values.

I have a very basic understanding of topics work. The message returned from the subscriber is NULL for this topic.

Here are the relevant code snippets:

    class MoveBot : public ModelPlugin {
        private: physics::WorldPtr world;
        private: physics::ModelPtr model;
        private: event::ConnectionPtr updateConnection;
        private: physics::JointPtr leftJoint;
        private: physics::JointPtr rightJoint;
        private: common::Time startTime;
        private: transport::SubscriberPtr sub;

        public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr _parent, sdf::ElementPtr /* _sdf */) {
            this->model = _parent;
            this->world = this->model->GetWorld();
            this->leftJoint = this->model->GetJoint("left_wheel_hinge");
            this->rightJoint = this->model->GetJoint("right_wheel_hinge");

            transport::NodePtr node(new transport::Node());
            this->sonarTopicLeft = 
            this->sub = node->Subscribe(this->sonarTopicLeft, &MoveBot::cb, this);
            this->updateConnection =
                event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(std::bind(&MoveBot::OnUpdate, this));

        private: void cb(ConstSonarPtr &_msg) {
            std::cout<< "callback!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            if (_msg == NULL) {
                std::cout<< "NULL!!!!!!!" << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Message: " << _msg->range() << std::endl;
        private: void onUpdate() {
            // Some other code

I am expecting the cb(ConstSonarPtr &_msg) callback to print the range values but I only get NULL!!!!!!! printed.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.