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Loading world files in ignition rendering

Hello everyone,

I am trying to load the entire SubT worlds in ignition rendering so that I can use the C++ API provided by the framework to take sensor readings for GpuLidars and Camera for faster data collection. Is there a way to load the SubT worlds of the meshes of the entire worlds via ign-rendering? By doing so, I want to omit the physics and any other plugins that are used.

Alternatively, is there a way to configure ign-gazebo to omit the physics plugin so that I may be able to collect data there via a rendering plugin?

Please let me know if I can provide any more information to clarify my question better.


Loading world files in ignition rendering

Hello everyone,

I am trying to load the entire SubT worlds in ignition rendering so that I can use the C++ API provided by the framework to take sensor readings for GpuLidars and Camera for faster data collection. Is there a way to load the SubT worlds of the meshes of the entire worlds via ign-rendering? By doing so, I want to omit the physics and any other plugins that are used.

Alternatively, is there a way to configure ign-gazebo to omit the physics plugin so that I may be able to collect data there via a rendering plugin?

Please let me know if I can provide any more information to clarify my question better.

Edit:- Adding image below to clarify the first part of my question better

The below image is a combination of two of the examples in ign-rendering. I have combined the lidar_visual and mesh viewer, with the change that I have loaded a representative mesh (.dae) file without materials and textures from one of the SubT circuit models.

My intention is to have the entire SubT world (with materials and textures) loaded in the GL window through only ign-rendering (without using ign-gazebo or ign-sensors). The reason I am trying to do this is that I would like to be able to simulate parallel instances of these environments, in a manner synchronous with my program. I intended to collect sensor data directly from the GpuLidar sensor inside ign-rendering, and possibly change the pose of the GpuRaySensor inside ign-rendering as my robot moves based on a controller that is implemented elsewhere.

I want to know if there is a good way to load the mesh with textures for the entire SubT worlds directly in the rendering window. Or how I could go about doing the same.

image description
