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Problems with simulating my robot in a world with a heightmap.

Hi everyone,

when I try to spawn my robot into my heightmap world, it can not drive at all. The height of my heightmap is 1m. But when I spawn my robot at 10m high it stands still at this position (floating in the air). Here is the SDF file of my heightmap model: C:\fakepath\model_of_heightmap.png.

I also have a LIDAR sensor on my robot and the lasers should be visible in the gazebo world. For some reason these lasers are only visible when I spawn the robot at 10m high. So in short I have 2 problems: the robot can not drive in the heightmap world (which is possible in a world without a custom heightmap), and the second problem is that it wont show the LIDAR lasers.

I assume these 2 problems are related to each other. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Kind regards

Problems with simulating my robot in a world with a heightmap.

Hi everyone,

when I try to spawn my robot into my heightmap world, it can not drive at all. The height of my heightmap is 1m. But when I spawn my robot at 10m high it stands still at this position (floating in the air). Here is the SDF file of my heightmap model: C:\fakepath\model_of_heightmap.png.

I also have a LIDAR sensor on my robot and the lasers should be visible in the gazebo world. For some reason these lasers are only visible when I spawn the robot at 10m high. So in short I have 2 problems: the robot can not drive in the heightmap world (which is possible in a world without a custom heightmap), and the second problem is that it wont show the LIDAR lasers.

I assume these 2 problems are related to each other. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Kind regards

Problems with simulating my robot in a world with a heightmap.

Hi everyone,

when I try to spawn my robot into my heightmap world, it can not drive at all. The height of my heightmap is 1m. But when I spawn my robot at 10m high it stands still at this position (floating in the air). Here is the SDF file of my heightmap model: C:\fakepath\model_of_heightmap.png.

I also have a LIDAR sensor on my robot and the lasers should be visible in the gazebo world. For some reason these lasers are only visible when I spawn the robot at 10m high. So in short I have 2 problems: the robot can not drive in the heightmap world (which is possible in a world without a custom heightmap), and the second problem is that it wont show the LIDAR lasers.

I assume these 2 problems are related to each other. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Kind regards

Problems with simulating my robot in a world with a heightmap.

Hi everyone,

when I try to spawn my robot into my heightmap world, it can not drive at all. The height of my heightmap is 1m. But when I spawn my robot at 10m high it stands still at this position (floating in the air). Here is the SDF file of my heightmap model: C:\fakepath\model_of_heightmap.png.

I also have a LIDAR sensor on my robot and the lasers should be visible in the gazebo world. For some reason these lasers are only visible when I spawn the robot at 10m high. So in short I have 2 problems: the robot can not drive in the heightmap world (which is possible in a world without a custom heightmap), and the second problem is that it wont show the LIDAR lasers.

I assume these 2 problems are related to each other. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

Kind regards