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Increasing horizontal_hov in gazebo will make the object looks very "far"

Hi everyone, I have a CSI camera sitting in front of my robot. It's resolution is 640x480 with 160 degree HOV. I wanted to use the same camera in gazebo environment so I got all the camera properties from the hardware and setup a csi camera in gazebo world. However, the object from this camera looked extremely far comparing to the real world scenario. I was then tuning the parameters and realized that if I decrease the horizontal_hov values, the object in the camera frame would look a lot closer but the horizontal field of view decreases accordingly. Below is my camera setting in gazebo. Am I missing some camera properties? Also, I got the distortion values from the real camera, but by adding those numbers in gazebo didn't show any barrel effect like I saw in the hardware camera.

  <gazebo reference="camera_csi_front">
<!-- <material>Gazebo/Green</material> -->
<sensor type="camera" name="csi_front">
    <pose>0 0 0 0 0 0</pose>
  <camera name="front">
    <horizontal_fov>2.79253</horizontal_fov>  <!--160 degrees -->
  <plugin name="camera_controller" filename="">

Any help is appreciated! I was trying to upload the images but unfortunately seems like the website wasn't responding to my upload.image description