Implement a gpu_ray plugin with custom shape
Hi all,
I would like to create a gpu_ray plugin for a 3D lidar having a custom pattern, different from the typical velodyne type. I have the equation of each of the curved beams composing it, and need to find a way to modify the collision shape of the lidar's plugin.
I've managed to do so with the (non gpu) ray plugin, using physics multiRayShape, but if I understand it right, gpu_ray sensor does not use gazebo physics as the ray sensor does. Seeing how slow the simulation goes without gpu, I really need find a way to implement it.
So if anyone knows how that could be done, or has any information or tip about gazebo's gpu_ray sensor and how to modify its shape, I would really appreciate the help.
By looking more into it, I think that I need to modify the gazebo::rendering::GpuLaser::CreateMesh function, as it seems to be where the shape of the lidar's pattern is defined.
But as I am trying to implement a custom GpuRayPlugin, using in the robot's sdf file the gpu_ray sensor type, I am encountering the following error:
[gazebo-1] [Err] [] EXCEPTION: Camera horizontal field of view invalid.
[gazebo-1] [Err] [] EXCEPTION: Camera horizontal field of view invalid.
[gazebo-1] [Err] [] Unable to remove sensor[default::example::base_footprint::my_lidar_gpu] because it does not exist.
Anybody knows why I could get this error?