Just got a strange problem yesterday when trying to launch Gazebo and PR2 to test a new stack. The symptoms look quite frequent but the causes appears to be various, so I'm opening a new thread for that.
Under ROS Fuerte and Ubuntu 10.04, I roslaunch empty_world environment with empty_world.launch. Everything looks right at this time. Then, I try to spawn the PR2 through "pr2.launch" file. The PR2 visually appears, but at some point, Gazebo crashes and PR2 node (default_controllers_spawner) also. I still got the Gazebo GUI and can manipulate the robot (move it in the environment) but I can't spawn other objects neither control the PR2. The error I get from Gazebo is an "Illegal Instruction" (logs are enclosed at the bottom of the question). On answers.ros.org, I found that a similar issue was due to SSE compilation process, but that may have been solved with Gazebo 1.6.15 (I'm using 1.6.16). Here I read about a Graphical Card driver that was conflicting ( http://answers.gazebosim.org/question/658/gazebo-pr2-getting-stuck-at-launch/ ) but as it is a ROS Groovy issue and my Gazebo is launching well, I'm not sure it can apply. I updated Linux with the recommended updates and ros with the corresponding patches on the beginning of May. As I didn't used ROS since Monday 6th, that may be part of the explanation.
Does somebody have an idea of what's going wrong with PR2 ? I can still spawn simple boxes in the environment. Thanks for reading !
Here are the logs :
renaudo@oogawa:~/ros_workspace$ roslaunch gazebo_worlds empty_world.launch
... logging to /home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/roslaunch-oogawa-19565.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://oogawa:38763/
* /rosdistro
* /rosversion
* /use_sim_time
gazebo (gazebo/gazebo)
gazebo_gui (gazebo/gui)
core service [/rosout] found
process[gazebo-1]: started with pid [19585]
process[gazebo_gui-2]: started with pid [19592]
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.0.2
Copyright (C) 2011 Nate Koenig, John Hsu, Andrew Howard, and contributors.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 1.0.2
Copyright (C) 2011 Nate Koenig, John Hsu, Andrew Howard, and contributors.
Released under the Apache 2 License.
Msg Waiting for master.Msg Waiting for master
Msg Connected to gazebo master @ http://kingawa:11345
[ INFO] [1368622405.869056587]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ INFO] [1368622406.697629250]: joint trajectory plugin missing <updateRate>, defaults to 0.0 (as fast as possible)
Msg Connected to gazebo master @ http://kingawa:11345
[ INFO] [1368622408.102870776, 0.265000000]: waitForService: Service [/gazebo/set_physics_properties] is now available.
[ INFO] [1368622408.569351643, 15.042000000]: Starting to spin physics dynamic reconfigure node...
[ WARN] [1368622431.147719089, 1762.062000000]: multiple inconsistent <turnGravityOff> exists due to fixed joint reduction, overwriting previous value [false] with [true].
[ WARN] [1368622431.147847889, 1762.062000000]: multiple inconsistent <turnGravityOff> exists due to fixed joint reduction, overwriting previous value [true] with [false].
[ WARN] [1368622431.147911164, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(head_mount_kinect_ir_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(head_mount_kinect_ir_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.147931074, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(head_mount_kinect_ir_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.147950463, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.147967458, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(head_mount_kinect_rgb_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.147986400, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(head_mount_prosilica_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(head_mount_prosilica_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148003212, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(head_mount_prosilica_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148024246, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(narrow_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(narrow_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148041446, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(narrow_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148060255, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(narrow_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(narrow_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148090787, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(narrow_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148108962, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(narrow_stereo_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(narrow_stereo_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148125428, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(narrow_stereo_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148144643, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(wide_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(wide_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148161897, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(wide_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148180062, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(wide_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(wide_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148197151, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(wide_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148215584, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(wide_stereo_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(wide_stereo_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.148231942, 1762.062000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(wide_stereo_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.206876385, 1764.414000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_forearm_cam_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(l_forearm_cam_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.216047470, 1764.667000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_forearm_cam_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.261531079, 1765.890000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_gripper_led_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(l_gripper_led_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.261583698, 1765.890000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_gripper_led_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.282891331, 1766.574000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(l_gripper_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.282939533, 1766.578000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.282958753, 1766.580000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_gripper_tool_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(l_gripper_tool_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.282975202, 1766.581000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(l_gripper_tool_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.350255239, 1768.322000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_forearm_cam_optical_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(r_forearm_cam_optical_frame_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.350303765, 1768.326000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_forearm_cam_optical_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.393619896, 1769.689000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_gripper_led_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(r_gripper_led_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.393666211, 1769.693000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_gripper_led_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.404502289, 1770.383000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(r_gripper_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.404531101, 1770.385000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_gripper_l_finger_tip_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
[ WARN] [1368622431.404549188, 1770.385000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_gripper_tool_frame) has no inertia, parent joint(r_gripper_tool_joint) is ignored.
[ WARN] [1368622431.404565041, 1770.385000000]: urdf2gazebo: link(r_gripper_tool_frame) has no inertia, not modeled in gazebo.
Warning [parser.cc:348] Gazebo SDF has no gazebo element
Warning [parser.cc:291] DEPRECATED GAZEBO MODEL FILE
On July 1st, 2012, this formate will no longer by supported
Convert your files using the gzsdf command line tool
You have been warned!
[ INFO] [1368622431.872143252, 1773.126000000]: bumper plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to world
[ INFO] [1368622432.300542150, 1773.126000000]: Laser plugin missing <hokuyoMinIntensity>, defaults to 101
[ INFO] [1368622432.300625635, 1773.126000000]: INFO: gazebo_ros_laser plugin should set minimum intensity to 101.000000 due to cutoff in hokuyo filters.
[ INFO] [1368622432.398120374, 1773.126000000]: bumper plugin missing <frameName>, defaults to world
[ INFO] [1368622432.801977121, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <CxPrime>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622432.803979150, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cx>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622432.804111066, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cy>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622432.804528487, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <focalLength>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622432.804650665, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <hackBaseline>, defaults to 0
[ WARN] [1368622432.804793362, 1773.126000000]: gazebo_ros_camera_ simulation does not support non-zero distortion parameters right now, your simulation maybe wrong.
[ INFO] [1368622436.329899113, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: head_mount_kinect_ir. New rate: 2.00
[ INFO] [1368622436.411171600, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <CxPrime>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.411213507, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cx>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.411235970, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cy>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.411259038, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <focalLength>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.411295278, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <hackBaseline>, defaults to 0
[ WARN] [1368622436.411338758, 1773.126000000]: gazebo_ros_camera_ simulation does not support non-zero distortion parameters right now, your simulation maybe wrong.
[ INFO] [1368622436.569181749, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: head_mount_kinect_rgb. New rate: 2.00
[ INFO] [1368622436.642697783, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <CxPrime>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.642749873, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cx>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.642770369, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cy>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.642792965, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <focalLength>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.642812694, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <hackBaseline>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622436.821475917, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: prosilica_camera_1mb. New rate: 2.00
[ INFO] [1368622436.992186955, 1773.126000000]: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
[ INFO] [1368622437.008840516, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <CxPrime>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.008892666, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cx>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.008915923, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <Cy>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.008937105, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <focalLength>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.008957809, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <hackBaseline>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.008986864, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <distortionK1>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.009009418, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <distortionK2>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.009031535, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <distortionK3>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.009053962, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <distortionT1>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.009075920, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <distortionT2>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622437.214768364, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: prosilica_camera_1mb_sim_pcd. New rate: 2.00
[ INFO] [1368622437.492289045, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: narrow_stereo/left. New rate: 2.00
[ WARN] [1368622437.537134700, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[772.550000] you have provided for camera_ [narrow_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [0.785398]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [772.548512], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
[ INFO] [1368622437.713173480, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: narrow_stereo/right. New rate: 2.00
[ WARN] [1368622437.765083425, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[772.550000] you have provided for camera_ [narrow_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [0.785398]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [772.548512], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
[ INFO] [1368622437.947365844, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: wide_stereo/left. New rate: 2.00
[ INFO] [1368622437.988188397, 1773.126000000]: bayer simulation maybe computationally expensive.
[ WARN] [1368622437.988289864, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[320.000000] you have provided for camera_ [wide_stereo_gazebo_l_stereo_camera_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570796]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [320.000101], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
[ INFO] [1368622438.172251444, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: wide_stereo/right. New rate: 2.00
[ INFO] [1368622438.213415109, 1773.126000000]: bayer simulation maybe computationally expensive.
[ WARN] [1368622438.213507266, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[320.000000] you have provided for camera_ [wide_stereo_gazebo_r_stereo_camera_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570796]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [320.000101], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
[ INFO] [1368622438.245901790, 1773.126000000]: Camera plugin missing <hackBaseline>, defaults to 0
[ INFO] [1368622438.412841266, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: prosilica. New rate: 2.00
[ WARN] [1368622438.452078279, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[2955.000000] you have provided for camera_ [high_def_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [2448] and HFOV [0.785398]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [2954.998058], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
[ INFO] [1368622438.453864119, 1773.126000000]: trigger_mode trigger_mode streaming
[ INFO] [1368622438.615090183, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: l_forearm_cam. New rate: 2.00
[ WARN] [1368622438.648477795, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[320.000000] you have provided for camera_ [l_forearm_cam_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570796]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [320.000101], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
[ INFO] [1368622438.758369402, 1773.126000000]: Laser plugin missing <hokuyoMinIntensity>, defaults to 101
[ INFO] [1368622438.758451434, 1773.126000000]: INFO: gazebo_ros_laser plugin should set minimum intensity to 101.000000 due to cutoff in hokuyo filters.
[ INFO] [1368622438.927975762, 1773.126000000]: Reconfigure request for the gazebo ros camera_: r_forearm_cam. New rate: 2.00
[ WARN] [1368622438.964254387, 1773.126000000]: The <focal_length>[320.000000] you have provided for camera_ [r_forearm_cam_sensor] is inconsistent with specified image_width [640] and HFOV [1.570796]. Please double check to see that focal_length = width_ / (2.0 * tan( HFOV/2.0 )), the explected focal_lengtth value is [320.000101], please update your camera_ model description accordingly.
Dbg plugin model name: pr2
[ INFO] [1368622438.985989454, 1773.126000000]: starting gazebo_ros_controller_manager plugin in ns: /
[ INFO] [1368622438.986823100, 1773.126000000]: Callback thread id=0x7f1ab8b03640
Dbg plugin model name: pr2
[ INFO] [1368622439.357574509, 1773.126000000]: p3d plugin missing <xyzOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.357699715, 1773.126000000]: p3d plugin missing <rpyOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.365122470, 1773.126000000]: imu plugin missing <serviceName>, defaults to /default_imu
[ INFO] [1368622439.365209881, 1773.126000000]: imu plugin missing <xyzOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.365240605, 1773.126000000]: imu plugin missing <rpyOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.384270291, 1773.126000000]: f3d plugin specifies <frameName> [r_gripper_l_finger_link], not used, default to world
[ INFO] [1368622439.386487901, 1773.126000000]: p3d plugin missing <xyzOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.386532485, 1773.126000000]: p3d plugin missing <rpyOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.390056327, 1773.126000000]: f3d plugin specifies <frameName> [l_gripper_l_finger_link], not used, default to world
[ INFO] [1368622439.392444088, 1773.126000000]: p3d plugin missing <xyzOffset>, defaults to 0s
[ INFO] [1368622439.392480740, 1773.126000000]: p3d plugin missing <rpyOffset>, defaults to 0s
Illegal instruction <============== Here is the symptom
[gazebo-1] process has died [pid 19585, exit code 132, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo/scripts/gazebo /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/simulator_gazebo/gazebo_worlds/worlds/empty.world __name:=gazebo __log:=/home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/gazebo-1.log].
log file: /home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/gazebo-1*.log
renaudo@oogawa:~/ros_workspace$ roslaunch pr2_gazebo pr2.launch
... logging to /home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/roslaunch-oogawa-19732.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://oogawa:33759/
* /base_controller/bl_caster_l_wheel_joint/d
* /base_controller/bl_caster_l_wheel_joint/i
(... There are others parameters and nodes, but for the sake of readability, I chunked that ... )
* /wide_stereo/wide_stereo_proc/disparity_range
position_joint_action_node (single_joint_position_action/single_joint_position_action)
tilt_hokuyo_node (gazebo_plugins/hokuyo_node)
narrow_stereo_textured_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc)
point_head_action (pr2_head_action/pr2_head_action)
core service [/rosout] found
process[spawn_pr2_model-1]: started with pid [19755]
process[robot_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [19756]
process[pr2_mechanism_diagnostics-3]: started with pid [19767]
process[fake_joint_calibration-4]: started with pid [19793]
process[wide_stereo/wide_stereo_proc-5]: started with pid [19797]
process[narrow_stereo/narrow_stereo_proc-6]: started with pid [19806]
process[narrow_stereo_textured/narrow_stereo_textured_proc-7]: started with pid [19827]
process[left_image_raw_relay-8]: started with pid [19852]
loading model xml from ros parameter
[INFO] [WallTime: 1368622430.378388] [1734.599000] waiting for service /gazebo/spawn_urdf_model
process[right_image_raw_relay-9]: started with pid [19893]
process[left_camera_info_relay-10]: started with pid [19947]
process[right_camera_info_relay-11]: started with pid [19993]
process[r_forearm_cam/image_proc-12]: started with pid [20040]
process[l_forearm_cam/image_proc-13]: started with pid [20079]
process[diag_agg-14]: started with pid [20107]
process[pr2_dashboard_aggregator-15]: started with pid [20138]
process[robot_pose_ekf-16]: started with pid [20165]
process[base_hokuyo_node-17]: started with pid [20233]
process[tilt_hokuyo_node-18]: started with pid [20276]
process[tf2_buffer_server-19]: started with pid [20308]
process[camera_synchronizer_node-20]: started with pid [20335]
process[default_controllers_spawner-21]: started with pid [20371]
process[r_gripper_controller/gripper_action_node-22]: started with pid [20410]
process[l_gripper_controller/gripper_action_node-23]: started with pid [20447]
process[head_traj_controller/point_head_action-24]: started with pid [20484]
process[torso_controller/position_joint_action_node-25]: started with pid [20511]
[ WARN] [1368622434.335898464]: You've passed in true for auto_start for the C++ action server at [/tf2_buffer_server]. You should always pass in false to avoid race conditions.
[ WARN] [1368622436.074542069, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/wide_stereo/left/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.075179397, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/wide_stereo/left/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.075466398, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/wide_stereo/right/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.075721135, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/wide_stereo/right/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.281036226, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/left/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.281214981, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/left/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.281242376, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/right/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.281264169, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/right/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.340327281, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/left/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.340510532, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/left/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.340547840, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/right/image_raw' is not yet advertised
[ WARN] [1368622436.340577985, 1773.126000000]: The input topic '/narrow_stereo/right/camera_info' is not yet advertised
[ INFO] [1368622437.064280727]: Starting to spin camera_synchronizer at 100.000000 Hz...
[ INFO] [1368622437.745497993, 1773.126000000]: advertised as /narrow_stereo_textured/left/camera_info
[ INFO] [1368622438.051258737, 1773.126000000]: advertised as /narrow_stereo_textured/right/camera_info
[ INFO] [1368622439.019956631, 1773.126000000]: advertised as /narrow_stereo_textured/left/image_raw
[ INFO] [1368622439.055654202, 1773.126000000]: advertised as /narrow_stereo_textured/right/image_raw
spawn status: SpawnModel: successfully spawned model
[spawn_pr2_model-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/spawn_pr2_model-1*.log
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_controller_manager/scripts/spawner", line 161, in <module>
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_controller_manager/scripts/spawner", line 139, in main
resp = load_controller(name)
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 432, in __call__
return self.call(*args, **kwds)
File "/opt/ros/fuerte/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/rospy/impl/tcpros_service.py", line 522, in call
raise ServiceException("transport error completing service call: %s"%(str(e)))
rospy.service.ServiceException: transport error completing service call: unable to receive data from sender, check sender's logs for details
[WARN] [WallTime: 1368622441.025707] [1773.735000] Spawner couldn't reach pr2_controller_manager to take down controllers.
[default_controllers_spawner-21] process has died [pid 20371, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/fuerte/stacks/pr2_mechanism/pr2_controller_manager/scripts/spawner --wait-for=/calibrated base_controller base_odometry head_traj_controller laser_tilt_controller torso_controller r_gripper_controller l_gripper_controller r_arm_controller l_arm_controller __name:=default_controllers_spawner __log:=/home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/default_controllers_spawner-21.log].
log file: /home/renaudo/.ros/log/2436093a-bcad-11e2-be80-002219119be4/default_controllers_spawner-21*.log