Hi !
- First remark : would there be a typo mistake on the readme page of ros_gz_bridge ?
I believe, in the equivalence array, all sensor_msgs messages
sensor_msgs/BatteryState,sensor_msgs/CameraInfo ,sensor_msgs/FluidPressure ,sensor_msgs/Image ,sensor_msgs/Imu ,sensor_msgs/JointState, sensor_msgs/LaserScan ,sensor_msgs/MagneticField ,sensor_msgs/NavSatFix ,sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
should have an extra /msgs/ in the path to work. Example : sensor_msgs /msgs/ Imu
At least, it works only this way for me and took me a few hours to figure it out.
- Also, I am trying to launch the bridge using a YAML file, like explained in the readme.
My config works well from command line :
ros2 run ros_gz_bridge parameter_bridge --ros-args -p config_file:=/colcon_ws/install/trr_bringup/share/trr_bringup/config/gz_bridge.yaml
But I can't get it work from a roslaunch. It's a simple question of YAML arguments declaration but can't figure it out
I tried :
# Gz Sim-ROS2 Bridge
bridge = Node(
'--ros-args -p config_file:='+os.path.join(pkg_trr_bringup, 'config', 'gz_bridge.yaml')
Any idea