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SDF Dependency fails with Ignition Fortress: sdf/Element.hh not found

Dear community,

unfortunately, I am not able to compile my plugins any longer. I obtain the following error:

/usr/include/ignition/gazebo6/ignition/gazebo/System.hh:30:10: fatal error: sdf/Element.hh: No such file or directory

My plugins' CMakeLists.txt is built up similar to the ignition fortress examples on github, see, e.g.

The transitive dependency to sdf seems somehow to have disappeared, but must now be explicitly listed as well?

It seems to be introduced by some pkg updates, although i am not able to trace this effect down to a certain transition between two particular versions. Currently problem occurs with ignition fortress 6.14.0.

Any help is appreciated.


SDF Dependency fails with Ignition Fortress: sdf/Element.hh not found

Dear community,

unfortunately, I am not able to compile my plugins any longer. I obtain the following error:

/usr/include/ignition/gazebo6/ignition/gazebo/System.hh:30:10: fatal error: sdf/Element.hh: No such file or directory

My plugins' CMakeLists.txt is built up similar to the ignition fortress examples on github, see, e.g.

The transitive dependency to sdf seems somehow to have disappeared, but must now be explicitly listed as well?

It seems to be introduced by some pkg updates, although i am not able to trace this effect down to a certain transition between two particular versions. Currently problem occurs with ignition fortress 6.14.0.

Any help is appreciated.


SDF Dependency fails dependency not found with Ignition Fortress: Fortress 6.14.0: sdf/Element.hh not found

Dear community,

unfortunately, I am not able to compile my plugins for ignition fortress (6.14.0) any longer. I obtain the following error:

/usr/include/ignition/gazebo6/ignition/gazebo/System.hh:30:10: fatal error: sdf/Element.hh: No such file or directory

My plugins' CMakeLists.txt is built up similar to the ignition fortress examples on github, see, e.g.

The transitive dependency to sdf seems somehow to have disappeared, but must now be explicitly listed as well?

It seems to be introduced by some pkg updates, although i am not able to trace this effect down to a certain transition between two particular versions. Currently problem occurs with ignition fortress 6.14.0.

Any help is appreciated.


SDF dependency not found with Ignition Fortress 6.14.0: sdf/Element.hh not found

Dear community,

unfortunately, I am not able to compile my plugins for ignition fortress (6.14.0) any longer. I obtain the following error:

/usr/include/ignition/gazebo6/ignition/gazebo/System.hh:30:10: fatal error: sdf/Element.hh: No such file or directory

My plugins' CMakeLists.txt is built up similar to the ignition fortress examples on github, see, e.g.

The transitive dependency to sdf seems somehow to have disappeared, disappeared between the transition of two pkg updates, but must now be explicitly listed as well?

It seems to be introduced by some pkg updates, although i am not able to trace this effect down to a certain transition between two particular versions. well? Currently problem occurs with ignition fortress 6.14.0.

Any help is appreciated.