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Time stamp error in Gazebo simulated kinect

I have a Gazebo-Ros simulation where I use a range laser to get scans which is working properly and I am able to use the autonomous navigation on a simulated environment. Now I wanted to use a kinect as a sensor to get scans using the depthimage to laserscan node to substitute the range laser. After simulating this kinect, including all the different config files, nodes... I am able to read the scans after the cloudthrottle, so I think I have much of it correctly configured, but I am having problems with the tf's tranformations for this simulated kinect, when I try to read the topic inside rviz I get an error that the message is to old. I am able to se the image for this camera in rviz ( I really don't know why I do not get the same error in rviz with this topic because it's time stamp is not correct either) If I do a rostopich echo of the /scan topic created from this depth image I see that the time stamp is different from the other topics such as the /map topic which, as normally, I use as static frame. All the rostopic echo I do from the topics of the camera simulated in Gazebo have a different time stamp than the rest.

For the /scan created from this kinect I have a static transformation, after remapping the output frame topic of depth image_to_laserscan to /camera_depth

< node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name "depth_cam_tf" args="0 -0.02 0 0 0 0 /base_link /camera_depth >

The view_frames tree seems correct, using tf_monitor everything looks is being publish with the proper freq. So the problem must be this difference in the time stamp.

I think is a problem with the Gazebo Simulation that somehow is not creating the messages with the time stamp it supposed to.

Anyone can help me with this issue?

Thank u!

Time stamp error in Gazebo simulated kinect

I have a Gazebo-Ros simulation where I use a range laser to get scans which is working properly and I am able to use the autonomous navigation on a simulated environment. Now I wanted to use a kinect as a sensor to get scans using the depthimage to laserscan node to substitute the range laser. After simulating this kinect, including all the different config files, nodes... I am able to read the scans after the cloudthrottle, so I think I have much of it correctly configured, but I am having problems with the tf's tranformations for this simulated kinect, when I try to read the topic inside rviz I get an error that the message is to old. I am able to se the image for this camera in rviz ( I really don't know why I do not get the same error in rviz with this topic because it's time stamp is not correct either) If I do a rostopich echo of the /scan topic created from this depth image I see that the time stamp is different from the other topics such as the /map topic which, as normally, I use as static frame. All the rostopic echo I do from the topics of the camera simulated in Gazebo have a different time stamp than the rest.

For the /scan created from this kinect I have a static transformation, after remapping the output frame topic of depth image_to_laserscan to /camera_depth

< node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name "depth_cam_tf" args="0 -0.02 0 0 0 0 /base_link /camera_depth >

The view_frames tree seems correct, using tf_monitor everything looks is being publish with the proper freq. So the problem must be this difference in the time stamp.

I think is a problem with the Gazebo Simulation that somehow is not creating the messages with the time stamp it supposed to.

Anyone can help me with this issue?

Gazebo is not publishing in the /clock topic. I have /use_sim_time set to "true". Is there anything else needed to publish Gazebo's clock?

Thank u!