After writing some code to pull LIDAR data and induce simple movement control for gazebo-1.2, the update rendered these problematic.
I've re-installed gazebo, drcsim, ros-fuerte, and the boost 1.46 libraries in an attempt to find the problem, but I can still deterministically crash gazebo1.3 by following these steps:
. /usr/share/drcsim-1.1/ roslaunch drc_robot_utils drc_robot.launch rosrun pr2_teleop teleop_pr2_keyboard
Pressing a movement key exits gazebo without any thrown errors.
Attaching to the laserScan publisher in Rviz induces an exit with the following error as well:
Exception [] index[0] out of range[0-8742677509569]
Running roswtf gives the following output, but everything seems to be functional and happy in rxgraph.
ERROR Communication with [/rosout] raised an error: ERROR Communication with [/robot_state_publisher] raised an error: ERROR Communication with [/drc_robot_controller_spawner] raised an error: ERROR Communication with [/pr2_mechanism_diagnostics] raised an error: ERROR Communication with [/fake_joint_calibration] raised an error: ERROR Communication with [/gazebo] raised an error: ERROR Communication with [/tf2_buffer_server] raised an error: ERROR The following nodes should be connected but aren't: * /gazebo->/robot_state_publisher (/clock) * /fake_joint_calibration->/drc_robot_controller_spawner (/calibrated) * /gazebo->/drc_robot_controller_spawner (/clock) * /drc_robot_controller_spawner->/rosout (/rosout) * /gazebo->/pr2_mechanism_diagnostics (/clock) * /tf2_buffer_server->/rosout (/rosout) * /gazebo->/robot_state_publisher (/joint_states) * /gazebo->/tf2_buffer_server (/clock) * /gazebo->/pr2_mechanism_diagnostics (/mechanism_statistics) * /pr2_mechanism_diagnostics->/rosout (/rosout) * /gazebo->/gazebo (/clock) * /gazebo->/rosout (/clock) * /robot_state_publisher->/rosout (/rosout) * /gazebo->/rosout (/rosout) * /robot_state_publisher->/tf2_buffer_server (/tf)
If anyone has a better idea than me with regards to what might be the problems in communications between ros and Gazebo, or what I could do to find out the problems, I would appreciate them very much.