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differential drive caster wheel problem

Hello, I am trying to build a sdf model of a differential drive, but I am having some issues. The problems are caused by the caster wheel joint.

Here is the sdf code:

<link name="caster_wheel"> <pose>0.045 0 -0.0528 0 -0 0</pose> <gravity>1</gravity> <self_collide>0</self_collide> <kinematic>0</kinematic> <inertial> <mass>0.01</mass> <inertia> <ixx>0</ixx> <ixy>0</ixy> <ixy>0</ixy> <iyy>0</iyy> <iyz>0</iyz> <izz>0</izz> </inertia> </inertial>

  <collision name="caster_wheel_geom">
      <fdir1> 0 0 0</fdir1>

  <visual name="caster_wheel_geom_visual">
<pose> 0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>

<joint name="caster_joint" type="revolute"> <pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose> <parent>chassis_link</parent> <child>caster_wheel</child> <axis> <xyz>0 1 0</xyz> <dynamics> <damping>0</damping> <friction>0</friction> </dynamics> <limit> <lower>-10000000000000000</lower> <upper>10000000000000000</upper> <effort>0</effort> <velocity>0</velocity> </limit> </axis> </joint>

before starting the simulation, everything looks normal:


the caster wheel is the front yellow sphere. Right after clicking on the play button of gazebo, here is what happens:


I tried to understand what is wrong, but I can't see any problem.

Thank you


differential drive caster wheel problem

Hello, I am trying to build a sdf model of a differential drive, but I am having some issues. The problems are caused by the caster wheel joint.

Here is the sdf code:

<link name="caster_wheel">
   <pose>0.045 0 -0.0528 0 -0 0</pose>


  <collision name="caster_wheel_geom">
      <fdir1> 0 0 0</fdir1>

  <visual name="caster_wheel_geom_visual">
<pose> 0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>

<joint name="caster_joint" type="revolute"> <pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose> <parent>chassis_link</parent> <child>caster_wheel</child> <axis> <xyz>0 1 0</xyz> <dynamics> <damping>0</damping> <friction>0</friction> </dynamics> <limit> <lower>-10000000000000000</lower> <upper>10000000000000000</upper> <effort>0</effort> <velocity>0</velocity> </limit> </axis> </joint>


before starting the simulation, everything looks normal:


the caster wheel is the front yellow sphere. Right after clicking on the play button of gazebo, here is what happens:


I tried to understand what is wrong, but I can't see any problem.

Thank you


differential drive caster wheel problem

Hello, I am trying to build a sdf model of a differential drive, but I am having some issues. The problems are caused by the caster wheel joint.

Here is the sdf code:

<link name="caster_wheel">
  <pose>0.045 0 -0.0528 0 -0 0</pose>

  <collision name="caster_wheel_geom">
      <fdir1> 0 0 0</fdir1>

  <visual name="caster_wheel_geom_visual">
<pose> 0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>

<joint name="caster_joint" type="revolute">
      <pose>0 0 0 0 -0 0</pose>
    <xyz>0 1 0</xyz>

before starting the simulation, everything looks normal:


the caster wheel is the front yellow sphere. Right after clicking on the play button of gazebo, here is what gazebo this happens:


I tried to understand what is wrong, but I can't see any problem.

Thank you
