I am using Hydro on Gazebo 1.9. I have made a utility vehicle model that is based off of the DRC Vehicle (using the DRC Vehicle/Vehicle ROS plugins). I am currently trying to match the dynamics of the model as closely as possible to the actual, real vehicle that I have. I get the Gazebo vehicle to move by applying a command rotational velocity to the back wheels through gazebo_msgs::LinkState /gazebo/set_link_state. The thing that is strange to me is that whether I give a small or large command velocity, it always takes approximately 2 seconds for the settling time to reach the command velocity. This means that if I give a small command velocity, the acceleration is small and if I give a large command velocity, the acceleration is large. I would think that the vehicle would take more time to reach a higher command velocity - is there any way I can make this more realistic? I've tried different types of vehicles and this behavior is consistent. I've also thought about giving command velocity as steps but since it always take 2 seconds to get to the command velocity, I wouldn't be able to get to a desired total time of like 3 seconds, only multiples of 2.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can provide!