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2023-05-09 08:13:01 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-02-10 04:26:41 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2023-02-10 02:51:10 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-02-09 04:24:35 -0500 marked best answer Help with hydrodynamics plugin in gazebosim garden

I was working on a AUV simulation which worked quite well until I broke my ubuntu 20.04 environment.

After I reinstalled ubuntu 22.04, I also had to reinstall Gazebo Garden and I noticed that the binary installation command had changed from last time I had to use it.

After downloading all necessary packages for my project I tried to run it like I used to and now my submarine accelerates straight up until it reaches the air and makes the simulation crash.

The parameters of the Hydrodynamics plugin seem to work differently from before and even so I fiddled with the signs I can't quite find a configuration where my robot moves as before.

From what I have seen, if the 2nd order stability derivative along z axis has a negative sign, the robot accelerates vertically up instead of slowing down and conversely, if the sign is positive, the robot acceleration vertically down increases endlessly. Because of that I couldn't test much along x and y axis but I suspect it to be the same.

Another point would be that the graded_buoyancy example file behaves weirdly, with a bloc shooting straight into the sky and another spinning very fast above water.

Thank you, I look forward to any help.

2023-02-09 04:24:35 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2023-02-09 04:24:05 -0500 commented answer Help with hydrodynamics plugin in gazebosim garden

Thank you the fix of changing xUU to xUabsU (same for y and z) makes my robot behave normally!

2023-02-08 21:54:32 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-02-08 13:03:34 -0500 asked a question Help with hydrodynamics plugin in gazebosim garden

Help with hydrodynamics plugin in gazebosim garden I was working on a AUV simulation which worked quite well until I bro