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2021-12-16 14:00:34 -0500 received badge  Taxonomist
2013-02-18 22:16:42 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

does this mean that when writing an animation plugin you must "manually" implement the physics engine? if so how? there's nothing on physics engine when using common::NumericAnimation() classes

2013-02-14 19:02:02 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

class Motion : public ModelPlugin { public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr /*sdf*/) { std::map<std::string, common::numericanimationptr=""> motion;

  motion["thor-op::l_hip_pitch"].reset(new common::NumericAnimation("motion", 4.5, true));
  so on and so on for every other joint
  common::NumericKeyFrame *key = motion["thor-op::l_hip_pitch"]->CreateKeyFrame(0.0);
  so on and so on for every other joint
  key = motion["thor-op::l_hip_pitch"]->CreateKeyFrame(.75);
  so on and so on for every other joint, for every .75 seconds until 4.5 seconds

model->SetJointAnimation(motion); } }; GZREGISTERMODELPLUGIN(Motion) }

So what happens is as soon as the robot moves it begins to slip and slide. however, when no plugin is loaded the model stays in place but it collapses under its own weight.

2013-02-14 18:56:28 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

I have posted a sample code of the controller 2 days ago. I don't know why the code is not posted. I will repost again

2013-02-12 18:10:34 -0500 commented answer sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

hi hsu could you please clarify the request. I don't quite understand (sorry).

2013-02-12 18:09:31 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

The plugin is very long and very repetitive so i am posting just a few pieces for one joint. The model itself moving is not a problem. My problem is as soon as the model beings to move it slips and slides all over the world.

The plugin is for ModelPlugin class

class Motion : public ModelPlugin { public: void Load(physics::ModelPtr model, sdf::ElementPtr /*sdf*/) { std::map<std::string, common::numericanimationptr=""> motion; ... motion["humanoid::lhippitch"].reset(new common::NumericAnimation("motion", 4.5, true)); ... common::NumericKeyFrame *key = motion["thor-op::lhippitch"]->CreateKeyFrame(0.0); key->SetValue(0.0); ... key = motion["thor-op::lhippitch"]->CreateKeyFrame(.75); key->SetValue(-1.57); ... so on and so on for every .75 seconds until the 4.5 second mark and it repeats over ... model->SetJointAnimation(motion); } }; GZREGISTERMODEL_PLUGIN(Motion)

I don't think i am doing anything wrong so I hope there is something i am missing on my plugin.

2013-02-11 22:45:07 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

hello hsu I also already tried the <min_depth> tags and still did not work. I exhausted every single possibility and the robot still slips.

robot does not slip when no plugin is loaded to it. however, in case of my humanoid, the robot collapses on its own weight because there is nothing controlling the joints.

my big problem is that when i use a plugin to control the robot joints (i.e. program some robot motions) the robot beings to slip as soon as a joint moves.

I don't know what else to do. This is the reason why i started this thread.

2013-02-11 18:56:12 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

thank you hsu for your answer.

i already tried this method way before i started this thread. the problem is that as soon as i load a plugin to the model to control the joints position (common::NumericAnimation, SetValue(double position)) the model begins slipping regardless how heavy or how high the mu's are set.

Of course if i do not load a controller to the model then the robot collapses on its own weight (without slipping).

2013-02-08 05:53:41 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2013-02-07 19:01:42 -0500 answered a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

this is a sample of the robot The entire robot still slips regardless of mu values or mass values

<!-- left foot -->
  <link name="left_foot">
    <pose>.030 .090 .010 0 0 0</pose>
    <collision name="collision">
        <box><size>.300 .120 .020</size></box>
    <visual name="visual">
        <box><size>.300 .120 .020</size></box>
2013-02-07 18:52:11 -0500 commented question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

<link name="right_foot"> <pose>.030 -.090 .010 0 0 0</pose> <inertial> <mass>1.5</mass> <inertia> <ixx>1.0</ixx><ixy>0.0</ixy><ixz>0.0</ixz><iyy>1.0</iyy><iyz>0.0</iyz><izz>1.0</izz> </inertia> </inertial> <collision name="collision"> <geometry> <box><size>.300 .120 .020</size></box> <!-- <mesh><uri>model://</uri></mesh> --> </geometry> <surface> <friction> <ode><mu>0.3</mu></ode

2013-02-07 18:52:10 -0500 commented question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

<link name="right_foot"> <pose>.030 -.090 .010 0 0 0</pose> <inertial> <mass>1.5</mass> <inertia> <ixx>1.0</ixx><ixy>0.0</ixy><ixz>0.0</ixz><iyy>1.0</iyy><iyz>0.0</iyz><izz>1.0</izz> </inertia> </inertial> <collision name="collision"> <geometry> <box><size>.300 .120 .020</size></box> <!-- <mesh><uri>model://</uri></mesh> --> </geometry> <surface> <friction> <ode><mu>0.3</mu></ode

2013-02-07 18:52:09 -0500 commented question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

<link name="right_foot"> <pose>.030 -.090 .010 0 0 0</pose> <inertial> <mass>1.5</mass> <inertia> <ixx>1.0</ixx><ixy>0.0</ixy><ixz>0.0</ixz><iyy>1.0</iyy><iyz>0.0</iyz><izz>1.0</izz> </inertia> </inertial> <collision name="collision"> <geometry> <box><size>.300 .120 .020</size></box> <!-- <mesh><uri>model://</uri></mesh> --> </geometry> <surface> <friction> <ode><mu>0.3</mu></ode

2013-02-07 18:49:58 -0500 commented question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

here is a sample of a link

2013-02-06 18:17:39 -0500 commented question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

thank you hsu i will saw the mu values and they are way higher than what i have, in fact these values are crazy high. i will post some of the code for the links and joints once i figure how to properly use this website.

2013-02-05 19:56:42 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2013-02-05 13:49:36 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2013-02-03 18:47:40 -0500 commented question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

i am using Gazebo I am not comfortable posting the whole sdf file. Can i post an sdf file that has only the lower body, that is with links (visual + collision) and joints?

2013-02-01 04:33:24 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2013-01-30 18:53:18 -0500 asked a question sdf robot model slippery, slides no friction

Hello I got an issue with a humanoid robot modeled in sdf format. The model itself is fine. However, my problem is the model slips, slides, and can't stay in place as soon as i move a joint (via plugin of window).

The model plug in is not the problem in this case.

I tried inserting the <mu> tags, <surface><contact> <kp> <kd> tags but they don'e work. I suspect I need a separate world plugin but i am not sure about this since the model already has a plugin.

You anyone please advise?

Thank you