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2023-07-14 13:12:13 -0500 commented answer How to add to the library search path for custom plugins

Hi, thanks for looking over the presentation. For others, the variable can be found by gz sim --help. Also, that variabl

2022-01-13 16:39:29 -0500 commented answer Does Ignition Fortress has a way to use NED reference frame?

There is some visualization help, if minimal, being upstreamed to Ignition soon

2021-08-09 15:39:20 -0500 answered a question Why do I see issues with Gazebo rendering when far from origin?

I don't know much about Gazebo's inner processes, and I've only used SetWorldPose in the context of teleporting a fixed

2021-06-10 19:44:29 -0500 commented answer Unable to Compile Plugin for Gazebo Ignition

When you say it doesn't work, can you provide details to what you mean? Is there an error message, and what are the step

2021-03-06 02:40:56 -0500 edited answer Render plugin force for debugging

If there is any contact that's applying the force to the box, you can visualize the contact force by selecting in the me

2021-03-06 02:40:11 -0500 answered a question Render plugin force for debugging

If there is any contact that's applying the force to the box, you can visualize the contact force by selecting in the me

2021-03-06 02:30:40 -0500 answered a question Unable to Compile Plugin for Gazebo Ignition

Yes, you would need ignition-cmake to use that command. Have you installed the Ignition libraries? This installation tu

2020-12-18 13:23:33 -0500 answered a question sailboat, wind and thrust

There isn't anything built-in to take the sail's area into account, but you can write a custom plugin for the boat's dyn

2020-06-24 23:39:44 -0500 commented answer Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

Thank you for investigating into the underlying cause of the seg fault and posting a solution!

2017-12-01 11:57:00 -0500 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2017-12-01 11:57:00 -0500 received badge  Teacher (source)
2016-01-04 17:10:15 -0500 received badge  Supporter (source)
2015-12-24 07:58:33 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2015-12-24 01:39:15 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-12-24 01:38:10 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-12-24 01:37:26 -0500 answered a question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

For my specific purpose, which is to teleport a robot, where the robot is kept fixed after teleportation, I’ve found a workaround.

The cause of segmentation fault was likely the call to physics::joint::Detach(). So I avoided calling Detach(). Then there were no more segmentation faults. (Even when I only kept one Detach() call in the entire duration of the Gazebo WorldPlugin, I still had segmentation faults from time to time. So I removed the calls entirely, and then no more seg faults. This further points to Detach() as the problem.)

I still use the Gazebo WorldPlugin, but instead of using Attach() and Detach() to let the robot loose from a fixed "world" link for teleportation, I don’t connect the robot to the world in the URDF at all. I allow the robot to float in space, and I force it still by calling SetWorldPose(teleport_pose) in the OnUpdate() function of the WorldPlugin.

The goal pose for teleportation is passed in from a custom rosservice call. Then OnUpdate() continuously sets the robot’s pose to this goal, and twist to 0 (in case of bumping into something and sliding away in 0 gravity). This effectively achieves my goal, free of seg faults.

Code snippet:

void OnUpdate (const common::UpdateInfo & /*_info*/)
  physics::ModelPtr model;

  // Find the model in the Gazebo world
  physics::BasePtr model_genericType = world_ -> GetByName (
  if (model_genericType)
    model = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast <physics::Model> (model_genericType);
    fprintf (stderr, "Did not find model %s.\n", model_name.c_str ());

  if (model)
    //math::Pose pose = ...  // Set some goal pose to teleport to. I set this via a custom rosservice call
    model -> SetWorldTwist (math::Vector3 (), math::Vector3 ());
    model -> SetWorldPose (pose);

  // Check if a rosservice call comes in
  ros::spinOnce ();

void Load (physics::WorldPtr _world, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf)
  // Check ROS is initialized, subscribe to rosservice, etc. ...

  world_ = _world;
  this -> updateConnection_ = event::Events::ConnectWorldUpdateBegin(
      boost::bind (&MyWorldPlugin::OnUpdate, this, _1));
2015-12-24 01:16:37 -0500 received badge  Enthusiast
2015-12-08 09:14:35 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2015-12-08 02:07:44 -0500 commented question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

I found a workaround. The objective is to avoid using Detach(), since seg faults are always after it. I simply keep the robot fixed by SetWorldPose() on its base link, in OnUpdate(). This replaces the need to Attach() and Detach() the robot to a fixed joint. I can still teleport it, and keep it fixed after teleport, while its joints can still move freely, just like before. Only difference is, no more seg faults. Thank you so much Andrei for your prompt replies! I will comment if seg fault again.

2015-12-08 02:01:00 -0500 commented question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

Hmm I am actually already using a Gazebo plugin, the WorldPlugin, which is how I access physics::World and everything. My rosservices are triggered by calling ros::spinOnce() inside OnUpdate() of the WorldPlugin. I'm not sure what a ROS plugin is. Anyway, I made my code look like, so instead of Attach(), I call CreateJoint() once at the beginning, then Load() and Init() in the rosservice. But seg faults still happened, still after Detach(). uses Detach() too.

2015-12-05 23:52:06 -0500 commented question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

Tried in ROS Jade with Gazebo 5.1.0. Seg fault happened in a similar way... Do you have any clues on which physics:: object I should look at? Perhaps Joint, or is it something in a bigger scope? I'm contemplating whether to try to fix this by installing Gazebo from source. Otherwise I might have to hunt for a simulator other than Gazebo, which would be redoing a lot of work... Or, perhaps there's some other way to make a robot fixed to the world, without using Attach()?

2015-12-05 03:47:31 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2015-12-04 11:13:58 -0500 commented question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

Gazebo 2.2.6, because I'm using ROS Indigo. Do you mean bug in my code or in Gazebo? Hoping for bug in my code because I need this to work as soon as possible... Otherwise I can try a different Gazebo version that likes ROS Indigo... not sure what else is compatible. I see that it's possible to use 4 5 or 6 if installed from source.

2015-12-03 17:16:18 -0500 commented question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

AndreiHaidu: It varies. Looks like ~10 detaches / attaches per minute. I ran the program 11 times, without changing any code, each time until seg fault. These are the numbers I get: 65 detaches / 64 attaches, 36/35, 28/27, 66/65, 16/15, 11/10, 25/24, 109/108, 22/21, 2/1, 96/95. I’ve actually never seen it die after just 2/1 times before, that is rare. It also doesn’t always seg fault in the same place like dQMultiply3() above; another backtrace shows in setBall(). Any ideas?

2015-12-03 03:45:12 -0500 received badge  Student (source)
2015-12-03 03:41:25 -0500 asked a question Intermittent segmentation fault possibly by custom WorldPlugin attaching and detaching child

My goal is to teleport a robot to an arbitrary pose in a 0-gravity world, while keeping the robot in a fixed pose after teleportation. I need to do the teleport a bunch of times.

I’ve tried many ways to do this, and here is the only way that does the task, but I get intermittent segmentation faults after running the simulation for a while.

I am doing the teleport by attaching and detaching a joint between the world link and the base link of the robot. Attaching the robot to world makes the robot fixed. Detaching the joint allows the robot to be moved freely.

The teleport is done by a WorldPlugin. It subscribes to a rosservice (among others) that says detach or attach. It then calls physics::Joint::Attach(world_link, base_link) or physics::Joint::Detach(). The two links are found by physics::WorldPtr->GetByName() and dynamically casted to physics::LinkPtr.

The intermittent seg fault ALWAYS happens after a Detach() has been done and the rosservice has returned successfully. But the seg fault doesn’t happen within my rosservice handler function inside the WorldPlugin. It happens somewhere else in the simulation loop, which leaves me very puzzled and have nowhere to start debugging!

I tried many things to fix this, and I’m still stuck with one big question, what is the seg fault caused by? Is it really from calling Attach() and Detach() too much? It happens after running simulation for more than 5 to 10 minutes, during which I’ve attached and detached many times.

Here is a backtrace from gdb:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
[Switching to Thread 0x290b of process 11318]
0x0000000100600612 in dQMultiply3 ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000100600612 in dQMultiply3 ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib
#1  0x0000000100617541 in getHingeAngle(dxBody*, dxBody*, double*, double*) ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib
#2  0x000000010061569f in dxJointHinge::getInfo1(dxJoint::Info1*) ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib
#3  0x00000001005f392a in dxQuickStepper(dxWorldProcessContext*, dxWorld*, dxBody* const*, int, dxJoint* const*, int, double) ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib
#4  0x000000010060ea36 in dxProcessIslands(dxWorld*, double, void (*)(dxWorldProcessContext*, dxWorld*, dxBody* const*, int, dxJoint* const*, int, double)) ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib
#5  0x00000001005e8229 in dWorldQuickStep ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_ode.2.dylib
#6  0x00000001005202c1 in gazebo::physics::ODEPhysics::UpdatePhysics() ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_physics_ode.2.dylib
#7  0x000000010038483d in gazebo::physics::World::Update() ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_physics.2.dylib
#8  0x0000000100383864 in gazebo::physics::World::Step() ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_physics.2.dylib
#9  0x0000000100382d66 in gazebo::physics::World::RunLoop() ()
   from /usr/local/Cellar/gazebo2/2.2.6/lib/libgazebo_physics.2.dylib
#10 0x00000001019ec6c5 in boost::(anonymous ...