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2020-07-02 02:15:27 -0600 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-05-01 21:18:07 -0600 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-04-25 05:45:31 -0600 received badge  Enthusiast
2020-04-22 12:21:30 -0600 edited question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U

2020-04-22 12:21:12 -0600 edited question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U

2020-04-22 12:19:39 -0600 edited question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U

2020-04-22 08:20:21 -0600 edited question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U

2020-04-22 08:19:42 -0600 edited question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U

2020-04-22 07:38:58 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-04-22 07:38:58 -0600 edited question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U

2020-04-21 21:33:56 -0600 commented question Friction when using the DART engine

Hi Sietse. Did you ever get an answer to this question? Thanks.

2020-04-21 21:33:55 -0600 commented question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

I should have noted that I'm just using the cardboard_box model as an example. This issue came to my attention because

2020-04-21 21:33:53 -0600 asked a question DART contact always sets mu2 = 1?

DART contact always sets mu2 = 1? Hello Gazebo-land, Very quickly: Here's what I am running: Gazebo 11.0.0~pre1 on U