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aitormf's profile - activity

2017-05-12 09:32:56 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-09-28 17:44:03 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-09-21 02:42:26 -0500 commented question Gzweb not load well my world

Sorry for my late reply chapulina, I have done the pull request (#93)

2016-09-21 02:33:19 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2016-09-13 04:56:29 -0500 commented question Gzweb not load well my world

I don't have access to create new pull request. My User in bitbucket is aitormf

2016-09-12 14:07:47 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2016-09-12 03:34:19 -0500 received badge  Scholar (source)
2016-09-12 03:34:17 -0500 commented answer Gzweb not load well my world

It works perfect, with this pull request gzweb shows all world, thaks, Aitor (JdeRobot Team)

2016-09-12 03:30:40 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-09-11 04:37:28 -0500 commented question Gzweb not load well my world

I have make a fork of the Project and a new branch to solved this bug but, I don`t see how do the pull request

2016-09-09 06:07:38 -0500 asked a question Gzweb not load well my world

I have create the following world C:\fakepath\

with gzclient Works perfectly but in Gzweb, when load the second lamp shows the following error:

image description

I has tried to solved it and I have edited gz3d.js adding a "if" to comprobate that link[0] exists (line 1613).

if (link[0])
        if (link[0].self_collide)
                link[0].self_collide = this.trueOrFalse([0].self_collide);
            if (link[0].gravity)
               link[0].gravity = this.trueOrFalse([0].gravity);
            if (link[0].kinematic)
              link[0].kinematic = this.trueOrFalse([0].kinematic);

This is part of the function: GZ3D.Gui.prototype.setModelStats = function(stats, action) I don't know how this will affect to gzweb consistency but solved part of my problem: image description

the problem now is that gzweb not shows the road. Any idea's as solve it?

Thaks, Aitor (JdeRobot Team)

2016-07-28 07:05:06 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2016-07-20 03:02:47 -0500 commented question inertias not work well in my model

I edited it with more information

2016-07-20 03:02:03 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2016-07-19 08:55:21 -0500 asked a question inertias not work well in my model

I'm triying to make a Formula 1 (with two cameras and a laser) model, but when I put inertias in the model, they not work. I`m using gazebo7.

We have a client that connects to a plugin we have made for gazebo and allowing drive the F1 through a circuit.


Motors plugin

we use the same motors plugin to teleoperate turtlebot founds in gazebo oficial model repository and works well. By that y think that this problem is with intertial values.

To create the intertial matrix, I used this manual:

when I accelerated the formula 1 to some 27 m/s and then I give a value 0 of speed, braking in dry. the speed becomes zero at that moment without seeing as it advances a little while it slows down.

Meshlab values:

Mesh Bounding Box Size 0.401645 0.888804 0.204933
Mesh Bounding Box Diag 0.996639 
Mesh Volume is 0.020711
Mesh Surface is 3.429925
Thin shell barycenter -0.002349 0.296365 0.058029
Center of Mass is -0.003402 0.372718 0.070094
Inertia Tensor is :
| 0.000232 -0.000002 -0.000000 |
| -0.000002 0.000124 0.000104 |
| -0.000000 0.000104 0.000340 |
Principal axes are :
| -0.015143 -0.926820 0.375202 |
| 0.999861 -0.011424 0.012136 |
| -0.006961 0.375333 0.926864 |
axis momenta are :
| 0.000082 0.000232 0.000382 |