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adcurry's profile - activity

2023-02-02 00:03:42 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-02-02 00:03:42 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-04-27 02:43:45 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2020-06-20 16:50:13 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-06-16 03:13:05 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-06-13 10:17:00 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-06-12 23:30:03 -0500 commented question Multiple Visuals Per Link with Different Colours

Hey this worked for me! Thanks a lot!! How do I mark your answer as correct?

2020-06-12 23:29:53 -0500 commented question Multiple Visuals Per Link with Different Colours

Hey this worked for me! How do I mark your answer as correct?

2020-06-12 23:17:30 -0500 edited question URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags

URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags Hi all, I am trying to convert the following URDF into SDF using gz sdf -p model.ur

2020-06-12 23:14:26 -0500 received badge  Organizer (source)
2020-06-12 23:05:01 -0500 edited question URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags

URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags Hi all, I am trying to convert the following URDF into SDF using gz sdf -p model.ur

2020-06-12 23:03:06 -0500 edited question URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags

URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags Hi all, I am trying to convert the following URDF into SDF using gz sdf -p model.ur

2020-06-12 23:01:34 -0500 edited question Multiple Visuals Per Link with Different Colours

Multiple Visuals Per Link Hi all, Hopefully there is a simple answer to this. I have created a 'robot' using URDF with

2020-06-12 23:00:20 -0500 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-06-12 23:00:20 -0500 edited question URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags

URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags Hi all, I am trying to convert the following URDF into SDF using gz sdf -p model.ur

2020-06-12 22:58:00 -0500 asked a question URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags

URDF to SDF: Duplicate Physics Tags Hi all, I am trying to convert the following URDF into SDF using gz sdf -p model.ur

2020-06-12 22:30:17 -0500 asked a question Multiple Visuals Per Link with Different Colours

Multiple Visuals Per Link Hi all, Hopefully there is a simple answer to this. I have created a 'robot' using URDF with

2020-06-01 10:47:44 -0500 asked a question Multiple visuals per link urdf material definition

URDF 1 Link 2 Visuals Material Definition Hi all, Hopefully there is a simple answer to this. I have created a 'robot'