2016-08-12 02:26:57 -0500 | received badge | ● Enthusiast |
2016-08-08 09:36:25 -0500 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2016-08-08 05:25:43 -0500 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2016-08-08 05:11:49 -0500 | received badge | ● Scholar (source) |
2016-08-08 05:10:36 -0500 | received badge | ● Organizer (source) |
2016-08-08 05:04:15 -0500 | commented answer | How can I declare a variable in model.sdf file? Thank you so much chapulina! This works very well. I was also thinking of something that I can implement a method in the sdf's API in order to declare a variable or anything I wish. For instance, when I look at the joint.sdf file in the sdformat directory, I can see the joint element's attributes or its elements. I tried to make my own element like declaration.sdf and gave a name and a value as attributes. However it didn't work at all. Would there be another way to do so? |
2016-08-08 04:46:05 -0500 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2016-08-08 02:56:01 -0500 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2016-08-05 12:06:05 -0500 | asked a question | How can I declare a variable in model.sdf file? Hi everyone, I hope this is not a silly question. Is there a way to declare a variable in model.sdf file of a robot and use it multiple times? I've made a hexapod and it has some fixed values such as link length or width. If I want to change one leg's values I have to do the same for all the others. I believe this is done by xacro files in ROS but what if I want to do this without ROS? Thanks in advance! |