2019-04-06 16:16:28 -0500 | received badge | ● Necromancer (source) |
2019-04-06 16:16:28 -0500 | received badge | ● Teacher (source) |
2016-12-31 19:07:12 -0500 | commented question | problem with including a model For people who are looking for information, I had to convert my xacro file to URDF (using xacro.py) and include it as mentioned in [this answer](http://answers.gazebosim.org/question/6568/uri-paths-to-packages-in-the-sdf-model-file/?answer=15102#post-id-15102). |
2016-12-31 19:07:11 -0500 | answered a question | gazebo default directory and can not insert model Typically, there are 3 methods to let Gazebo software load a model as mentioned in this answer.
[Note: I am posting this to help people; I myself struggled to get a working solution (for about 10 hours) and I haven't found any similar information as in this answer] |
2016-12-31 19:07:10 -0500 | answered a question | URI paths to packages in the SDF model file? Typically, there are 3 methods to let Gazebo software load a model.
[Note: I am posting this to help people; I myself struggled to get a working solution (for about 10 hours) and I haven't found any similar information as in this answer] |