2013-10-06 17:03:30 -0500 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2013-09-22 11:24:22 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo crashes immediately using roslaunch after installing gazebo ros packages Hi, killall gzserver worked for me. Thank you! |
2013-08-05 08:08:02 -0500 | received badge | ● Taxonomist |
2013-08-01 16:11:33 -0500 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2013-07-29 11:18:29 -0500 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2013-07-26 18:57:51 -0500 | commented answer | Cannot find gazebo_ros plugins after update from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 Works! with main debian. Had to install the gazebo_ros_pkgs from source once more to make it run. Thank you |
2013-07-26 18:56:06 -0500 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2013-07-26 18:07:33 -0500 | asked a question | Cannot find gazebo_ros plugins after update from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 I just updated gazebo-prerelease through ubuntu(12.04) update manager from 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 and now gazebo cannot find the gasebo_ros plugins which were working well till now. Error [Plugin.hh:127] Failed to load plugin libgazebo_ros_gpu_laser.so: libsdf.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory These were the only plugins I was using for you. I did a search for the plugins and found them in the ros simulator_gazebo stack for some reason. Adding them, to GAZEBO_PLUGIN_PATH doesnt solve the issue either. ROS: Groovy |
2013-07-12 16:54:09 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Hi, davetcoleman the file was generated after the failed build. I'm not sure what you want me to checkout in git. I've answered below for the changes I made to make the installation work. |
2013-07-12 14:09:53 -0500 | received badge | ● Commentator |
2013-07-12 14:09:53 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Hi EduardoMachiel, here is my CMakeCache.txt - https://gist.github.com/shehzaman/5986931 The home/user/catkin_ws/ path will be different in my CmakeCache, make sure those are changed. Let me know what errors you face and I'll try to help as much as I can. Hope we can resolve it by today. |
2013-07-12 10:12:24 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Hi EduardoMaciel, install the gazebo prerelease from here gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.9/Installinggazeboros_Packages you can use sudo-apt get for that now. I will post my CMakeCache.txt file in a few hours, sorry it is on my lab computer. |
2013-07-12 07:20:17 -0500 | received badge | ● Teacher (source) |
2013-07-11 19:43:17 -0500 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2013-07-11 19:41:22 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. HI davetcoleman, found a hint while reading the log of the build for gazebo_ros_pkgs. The make includes /usr/include/gazebo-1.9 and /usr/include/gazebo-1.9/gazebo but only includes /usr/include/sdf-1.4. When I added /usr/include/sdf-1.4/sdf to the CMakeCache.txt in the build directory, catkin_make worked properly and all the nodes are showing up on rostopic. Hope this helps you debug. |
2013-07-11 19:36:24 -0500 | answered a question | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Found one solution (not the best way, but it worked for me) |
2013-07-11 18:28:25 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Hi davetcoleman, I installed gazebo and sdf from source and gazebo works well. After that I tried installing the gazebo_ros_pkgs and got these errors - https://gist.github.com/shehzaman/5980202 Its entirely different, but seems to be an issue with sdf headers. I looked for the sdf headers and they are installed in the right place. Don't know why this is happening. Thank you for being active! |
2013-07-11 15:57:45 -0500 | commented question | gazebo ros Packages - fatal error: gazebo/sensors/DepthCameraSensor.hh: No such file or directory Hi m.guedes, where did you make that change? I have the same issue with sdf headers not loading. |
2013-07-11 15:26:51 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. I installed gazebo from source using the mercurial clone(after removing the previous one using apt-get remove). And now the error is slightly different while installing gazeborospkgs. The Findgazebo.cmake has worked but FindSDF.cake still remains an issue. Here is the error - https://gist.github.com/shehzaman/5978873 |
2013-07-11 14:34:05 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Hi EduardoMaciel , davetcoleman. I cloned the git repos again into my catkinws/src folder and tried running rosdep install as shown in the tutorial with rosdistro as groovy. It gave the same error as before: cannot find rosdep definition for [gazebo]. I went ahead at did a catkinmake but got the following errors:https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5978468. I manually checked for the dependencies using rospack find and all are there. Point to note: Gazebo was installed from debs not source. |
2013-07-10 23:13:19 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. That is really good! Thank you davetcoleman, I will try installing the packages tomorrow and let you know how it goes. |
2013-07-10 21:31:43 -0500 | commented question | gazebo ros Packages - fatal error: gazebo/sensors/DepthCameraSensor.hh: No such file or directory Hi Robert Brockerman, during the catkin_make did you add -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/some/home/folder? After that what did you add in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH? It would really help if you can post your installation steps as an answer. Thank you! |
2013-07-10 16:05:14 -0500 | commented answer | gazebo_ros_pkgs - Erro. Hi davtcoleman, I was following the installation tutorial here(http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.9/Installinggazeboros_Packages) and I'm getting the exact same error as posted in the question. Gazebo 1.8.6 was installed from pre-compiled binaries for Ubuntu 12.04 and that is working well. Do I install Gazebo from source and then try? |
2013-07-10 15:13:22 -0500 | asked a question | Writing plugins for gazebo 1.8 and ros groovy Hi, I'm new to gazebo and ros. I would like to model a robot with gazebo that is controlled by ros commands. So far I have done the following:
Now, I would like to write ros enabled plugins for to subscribing to laser sensor data, camera images and publishing to geometry_msgs/twist topics to move the robot in gazebo. I tried using simulator_gazebo and that did not work well, so removed everything and started afresh with Groovy and Gazebo-1.8.6. System - |