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2022-11-16 17:45:06 -0600 marked best answer How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file?

I use ros2 and ignition to simulate the dynamics of bipedal robot. Thus I need to run bunch of ros_ign_bridge nodes. it is really cumbersome to run those nodes from the terminal. I want to make the launch file to run those nodes. However, I do not know what /TOPIC@ROS_MSG@IGN_MSG is. Probably it is not a parameter neither argument of the node.

Please let me know how to write launch file for the ros_ign_bridge.

ignition: Citadel
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS Focal Fossa


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2021-04-29 17:52:54 -0600 asked a question Clock (sim time) from Ign-Gazebo to ROS2

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2021-04-28 15:48:45 -0600 asked a question JointPositionController in Ignition has a bug in topic name?

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2021-02-13 23:43:32 -0600 received badge  Organizer (source)
2021-02-13 23:42:48 -0600 edited question How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file?

How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file? I use ros2 and ignition to simulate the dynamics of bipedal robot. Thus I ne

2021-02-13 23:42:11 -0600 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-02-13 23:42:11 -0600 edited question How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file?

How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file? I use ros2 and ignition to simulate the dynamics of bipedal robot. Thus I ne

2021-02-13 23:35:14 -0600 asked a question How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file?

How to write ros_ign_bridge in launch file? I use ros2 and ignition to simulate the dynamics of bipedal robot. Thus I ne

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