2022-01-07 03:07:01 -0500 | commented question | Ignition Gazebo gripper ignores cube collision Until the PR is merged, building ros2_controllers with https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_controllers/pull/225 from so |
2021-12-19 06:23:57 -0500 | commented question | Ignition Gazebo gripper ignores cube collision What command interface are you using? AFAIK, you need to use effort because both position and velocity bypass the physic |
2021-10-17 17:02:58 -0500 | commented question | [Igniton Fortress] It is not possible to change the position of objects in the GUI. Hello, I believe that you are experiencing a known issue that has already been resolved via ign-gazebo#1081. If you nee |
2021-10-17 17:01:26 -0500 | commented question | [Igniton Fortress] It is not possible to change the position of objects in the GUI. Hello, I believe that you are experiencing a known issue that has already been resolved via ign-gazebo#1081. If you nee |
2021-06-23 03:27:13 -0500 | commented question | ODE crash on a simple scenario on ignition gazebo One way is to remove you current DART version (e.g. sudo apt-get remove libdart*) and then build/install the fork from s |
2021-06-18 05:56:24 -0500 | commented question | ODE crash on a simple scenario on ignition gazebo This might be related to https://github.com/ignition-forks/dart/pull/6. Using the fork fixed such issue for me, but it i |
2021-04-09 07:01:01 -0500 | edited answer | Gazebo STL model inside is visible, depending on camera angle Your model normals might be pointing in the wrong direction. Could you try to flip them using Blender's flip normals/rec |
2021-04-09 06:45:17 -0500 | answered a question | How to control joints with Foxy and Edifice? The closest thing to gazebo_ros_control for Ignition/ROS 2 is ign_ros2_control, with its recently opened PR. You can hea |
2021-04-09 06:22:46 -0500 | answered a question | Gazebo STL model inside is visible, depending on camera angle Your model normals might be pointing in the wrong direction. Could you try to flip them using Blender's flip normals/rec |
2021-04-05 04:04:07 -0500 | commented answer | Unknown CMake command "ign_find_package". You need to source the workspace also in the particular terminal that you are using to build the plugin, not just once i |
2021-04-04 14:35:55 -0500 | answered a question | Unknown CMake command "ign_find_package". Have you sourced the Ignition workspace overlay containing ign-cmake before trying to build mimic_joint_plugin plugin? |
2021-03-30 17:37:17 -0500 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2021-03-22 08:23:00 -0500 | received badge | ● Teacher (source) |
2021-03-22 07:31:31 -0500 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2021-03-22 07:31:31 -0500 | edited answer | What could cause a decrease in Real Time Factor to 0.07 ... when I remove the collision tag (or add a small box instead) for that joint, it works smoothly. This sounds a l |
2021-03-22 07:15:01 -0500 | answered a question | What could cause a decrease in Real Time Factor to 0.07 ... when I remove the collision tag (or add a small box instead) for that joint, it works smoothly. This sounds a l |
2021-03-22 03:57:00 -0500 | received badge | ● Enthusiast |
2021-03-19 14:48:07 -0500 | commented answer | How to get the camera matrix of a camera sensor in Ignition Gazebo Great that you made it work, good job! To have camera with "standard camera coordinate frame", you can also set the link |
2021-03-19 14:42:08 -0500 | commented answer | How to get the camera matrix of a camera sensor in Ignition Gazebo Great that you made it work, good job! To have camera with "standard camera coordinate frame", you can set the link or s |
2021-03-18 13:32:04 -0500 | commented answer | How to get the camera matrix of a camera sensor in Ignition Gazebo As a workaround, you can add <topic>camera</topic> under the ImageDisplay GUI plugin inside SDF and that see |
2021-03-18 13:12:04 -0500 | commented answer | How to get the camera matrix of a camera sensor in Ignition Gazebo I do not believe this behaviour is intended, as sensors should publish data whenever simulation is running. Have you tri |
2021-03-18 10:39:40 -0500 | answered a question | How to get the camera matrix of a camera sensor in Ignition Gazebo Your intuition about /camera_info topic is correct. Can you try the following example to see if that works for you? ign |