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2023-06-23 03:30:20 -0500 received badge  Autobiographer
2022-11-24 06:37:57 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2022-01-02 19:10:16 -0500 edited answer Robot can't turn with four motorized wheels

You don't have any parameters set in the model you shared. Check the specification for the available parameters (they ar

2022-01-02 19:09:25 -0500 answered a question Robot can't turn with four motorized wheels

You don't have any parameters set in the model you shared. Check the specification for the available parameters (they ar

2021-12-16 09:53:50 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2021-12-05 17:51:12 -0500 answered a question How to change the friction parameter of a link programmatically (c++) during runtime?

You can access the friction by going from model to link to collision to surface to parameters. auto robot = world->M

2021-11-22 11:25:07 -0500 answered a question Is it possible to create an aruco marker and add it to Gazebo11?

I happen to have a blog post where I describe how to create a model of an aruco marker. Check it out at https://nlampri

2021-11-22 11:23:20 -0500 commented question gazebo ros control not working for large urdf

Visualize the links and contacts, and check how they behave when you've sent a command, but the robot is not moving.

2021-11-22 11:19:56 -0500 answered a question Model "disables" after ODE message (LCP internal error s<=0)

Check your inertias. Since you have primitive geometries, it's easy to calculate some valid values. Wikipedia can give y

2021-11-22 11:12:54 -0500 answered a question Robot links are breaking/not correctly updating when calling SetPosition() in fast successions.

Try storing the joint angles the plugin receives and letting gazebo itself update the positions during the world update

2021-06-04 14:12:34 -0500 commented answer Reset a sub world in gazebo world

2021-06-04 04:56:59 -0500 answered a question Reset a sub world in gazebo world

Each world has its own control topic where you can publish to reset it. For example (from the terminal): gz world -w d

2021-06-03 04:40:26 -0500 answered a question Reseting time or world messes with joint_state_controller

The ros controllers were not developed for Gazebo. So, for a real robot, this code is valid. If this behavior is a prob

2021-06-03 03:45:56 -0500 edited question Positive Rotation of model is not anticlockwise? why?

Positive Rotation of model is not anticlockwise? why? I am using melodic and ubuntu 18.04 and gazebo-9. Problem: When I

2021-06-03 03:45:05 -0500 answered a question Positive Rotation of model is not anticlockwise? why?

The model defines the right wheel on the left and the left wheel on the right. Swap the sign of the y-position in the wh

2021-04-29 14:37:19 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-04-26 05:03:35 -0500 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-04-15 09:52:50 -0500 commented question Gazebo collision is not applied with SweetHome3D

Try converting the collision mesh to STL. That might work better.

2021-04-12 05:27:15 -0500 commented question Robot moving at slower velocity in Gazebo (gazebo output velocity is half of cmd_vel)

Try changing the controller type and see if it makes any difference. Then I would also look into the inertias of the lin

2021-04-06 05:00:58 -0500 commented question Robot moving at slower velocity in Gazebo (gazebo output velocity is half of cmd_vel)

See if increasing the wheelTorque parameter in the diff drive controller configuration fixes your problem.

2021-03-24 17:47:46 -0500 commented answer ROS node from Gazebo plugin is not showing in the rosnode list

The two options are effectively the same. In the referenced plugin, a thread is created to spin the queue. The asyncspin

2021-03-14 17:16:54 -0500 answered a question Logical camera support in ROS Gazebo plugins

It seems to be true. To address this, you would need to create a sensor plugin, grab the image from the sensor, and publ

2021-03-05 14:39:44 -0500 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2021-03-02 03:35:22 -0500 answered a question Best way to find/learn about making plugins?

Go by example. Clone gazebo_ros_pkgs and check out the plugins there. They cover a range of sensors and controllers, so

2021-02-02 08:30:42 -0500 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2021-02-01 11:48:09 -0500 edited answer Name of the coordinate system

If you are not targeting a model link, you may leave any related field empty. This will reference the world frame. If y

2021-02-01 10:46:39 -0500 answered a question Name of the coordinate system

If you are not targeting a model link, you may leave any related field empty. This will reference the world frame. If y

2021-01-10 15:07:13 -0500 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-01-07 19:15:53 -0500 marked best answer How to get sim time in ignition gazebo

Is it possible to get the sim time outside of the update callbacks in ignition gazebo? Ie is there an equivalent of physics::World::SimTime()?

2021-01-05 23:50:01 -0500 asked a question How to get sim time in ignition gazebo

How to get sim time in ignition gazebo Is it possible to get the sim time outside of the update callbacks in ignition ga

2020-12-03 15:12:49 -0500 answered a question How to capture 12 bit ( = 4096 grayscale levels) images

You can configure your camera sensor to generate 16bit images. Then you can just fork the camera plugin, and add a step

2020-12-01 15:43:21 -0500 commented answer camera_info has wrong distortion coefficients and the Window->Topic Visualization in gazebo has no image topic

Look at the terminal for any errors when gazebo starts. A simple way to see if a (ros) plugin has been loaded is to chec

2020-12-01 06:37:58 -0500 answered a question camera_info has wrong distortion coefficients and the Window->Topic Visualization in gazebo has no image topic

The distortion coefficients in your plugin description are wrong. See the plugins tutorial or the camera utils source f

2020-11-30 03:44:55 -0500 commented question Gazebo simulator crashes when deleting model

You need to set the argument wherever you include this launch file.

2020-11-30 03:41:27 -0500 edited answer Spawn multiple objects with plugin

Give unique names to the plugins <plugin name="camera_x" filename=""> as well as camera

2020-11-27 05:17:43 -0500 answered a question Spawn multiple objects with plugin

Give unique names to the plugins <plugin name="camera_x" filename=""> as well as camera

2020-11-27 05:07:52 -0500 commented question Gazebo simulator crashes when deleting model

Run gazebo with the debug flag to true and check the stacktrace after the crash to see at which point (in which plugin p

2020-11-05 16:23:31 -0500 commented answer Gzserver fails on a k3s cluster

Ah, I reacted to the error and forgot about your problem description. Gazebo can indeed run headless. It needs an x serv

2020-11-05 08:30:11 -0500 answered a question Gzserver fails on a k3s cluster

Try setting the DISPLAY env variable with the gazebo node <node name="gazebo" pkg="gazebo_ros" type="$(arg script_ty

2020-11-02 10:57:58 -0500 commented question Gzserver fails on a k3s cluster

Enable verbose and debug, and see if you get any more information.

2020-10-30 14:37:23 -0500 answered a question How to spawn sdf object in Ignition Gazebo?

You already have the answer in your link above. There is an example in ros_ign_gazebo_demos: <node pkg="ros_ign_ga

2020-10-30 12:24:28 -0500 commented answer gz log does not work, causes segmentation fault

Probably. If you don't want to look into the details, you can also do a system call to gz log ....

2020-10-30 04:26:08 -0500 commented answer gz log does not work, causes segmentation fault

Probably, but why not do a system call to gz log ...?

2020-10-29 17:38:23 -0500 answered a question gz log does not work, causes segmentation fault

You are not supposed to use -d with -e. -d is for starting/stopping recording, and -e is for printing the contents of a

2020-10-22 04:28:25 -0500 answered a question libgazebo_ros_planar_move low rotational velocity

The planar move plugin works by assigning velocities directly to the model. Ie. the wheels do not move. I can only assum

2020-10-21 11:40:06 -0500 commented answer Initial joint position *without* ROS

This code shouldn't affect your simulation after the initialization. Did you maybe add the SetPosition call somewhere in

2020-10-20 21:46:15 -0500 commented answer sliding problem: friction does not work

I deleted the code by now. Probably min depth is enough to get you going.

2020-10-20 20:39:27 -0500 answered a question Initial joint position *without* ROS

initial_position is probably not implemented. You can write a model plugin, access the joints directly, and set your in

2020-10-20 19:03:07 -0500 edited answer sliding problem: friction does not work

surface is not part of the urdf spec, so when the description is parsed, the surface section is being ignored. You can v

2020-10-18 10:20:23 -0500 commented answer sliding problem: friction does not work

Examine carefully the sdf you attached. For example, there is no min_depth. Please follow the instructions on the page I